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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. I have a Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS 4 that works for the PS4, PS5, and PCs. I would love to use a stick for flying stuff in KSP2 once it comes out for PS5.
  2. Hey everyone! I thought it would be cool if KSP2's soundtrack was put on some music streaming services, such as Spotify or Apple Music. One of my major things with large video game studios is that sadly, they frequently don't release their soundtracks onto these services. A lot of indie game developers do this, and I think it would be cool to listen to some of the KSP2 OST on my phone without using something like YouTube.
  3. Here's the scenario: You go to bed and the next morning, you wake up and you are inside the video game you last played. So, how screwed are you? I'll start: Jedi: Survivor How screwed am I?: As long as I'm not an enemy or important to the plot, I'm fine!
  4. Some of the other ones, such as the "Jellyfish" or "TicTac" videos are interesting though. I'll put the "Jellyfish" article here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/11/jellyfish-ufo-uap-iraq-video/72194125007/
  5. The alien hoax had me for like, 20 seconds
  6. I've been trying to rebuild my old lego sets from when I was younger, they all are currently in my parent's garage, but I do have the 501st battlepack and the new AT-TE. I'll try to get pics of it when i'm over there.
  7. A few months ago, I made some food from my Star Wars cookbook. I think it was near Thanksgiving, so I was at my parent's house. We made it, and it was basically gnocchi with pistachio avocado sauce on it. It was pretty good, but super heavy (food-wise), and I threw up within 30 minutes of cleaning my plate. I may or may not be allergic to pistachios because of this. I also got my mom a set of cookbooks made my a YouTuber named Joshua Weissman.
  8. I don't know if this one would count but: CFA-44 Nosferatu "Imagine needing to conserve your missiles"
  9. when you know the different types of lightsabers and how they work, in detail
  10. Calling 911 cause your computer has a rare pepe on it
  11. here is your plantball, and i'll take some tendies
  12. Wonderful, I currently have some Star Wars Shatterpoint miniatures that I need to get to building, this should also be for plastic miniatures, too.
  13. Wow, you have a good chromebook? I have one and it runs stuff TERRIBLY. I guess that also depends on how much space is in it, and I have had it for a few years now and had to share it with my siblings before I went to college. Thankfully, I'm saving up for a decent gaming pc now, so this problem will go away (hopefully) soon.
  14. I'm frustrated about the parents just straight up plopping a device in their kid's face whenever they act up. Like, if I was a parent, why couldn't you go and do anything but give them a device to quiet down. I get things like, maybe they are super busy and physically can't parent at the moment, or are having a mental breakdown, or theres a mantis-man on the loose on my street, but if their reason is something like, oh i don't feel like dealing with my child who's misbehaving, im gonna scroll social media for 18 hours straight, or my child is a precious angel, they would never do that, your lying... If that's your reason for giving your kid the device, that isn't very good in my opinion.
  15. one thing that's been bugging me: iPad Kids. I hate the idea of it so much. Kids, who are raised on, and I mean ON the internet, where unlike previous generations where companies and stuff didn't realize they could exploit people through various means at the same stage as it is now, have ABSOLUTELY no restrictions, even if their parents mean better. Gen Z grew up with the rise of the modern internet age, and saw it evolve and grow without as much corporate influence/monetization. Now, all the companies have a social, almost every super-popular competitive game has a battlepass or lootbox system that you spend real money for, and the kids are just being conditioned to consume things. If you look at what they are watching, it can be very, very, materialistic, which I see as very detrimental to children. even things such as COPPA don't help much, as YouTube has been violating this law, got called out for it, and still is doing it! Another thing about the content, it can be very disturbing. I was sitting in a bus next to an iPad kid and they were watching some good educational video about how to play bowling (you'll see where this goes next) and then the video ends, and the video changes to the bowling ball twitter gif video with demons by imagine dragons playing in the background. I tell the mom, and she's like, "oh its educational, it says so in the title, so it means its appropriate for my precious child" . See? also with that weird toilet trend which is basically stupid GMod humor, but it sadly became something worse, because of this monetized, social media fueled place called the internet. It's a combo of poor parenting and unrestricted access, which is so, so sad. How do you feel about this?
  16. glasses huksky from the interwebs. nasa virtual backrogund from the 2020.
  17. AI covers of these songs: If you listen to it at 1.25x speed, you get the galaxy brain meme for tf2 players very nostalgic for me, haha funny pootis
  18. cool, I havent made anything yet
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