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Everything posted by AstroWolfie

  1. I just have a Ring that my roomate put on our apartment's door. I have absolutely no idea what to do with it, other than it works
  2. Oh yeah that works. Oh, its fine
  3. Well, I have a proposition for you guys. an asthetic one thats actually cool (from a certain point of view) behold: NASAWAVE (I used Bing Image Generator) visual asthetics: Now, that's the visual style, and as this is an aesthetic with the -wave suffix, it needs music. here's the starting list: Give me some more songs and parts of this style! Thanks!
  4. I'm at a small, local college in the Bay Area. this was written on a crappy school surplus chromebook
  5. Any of you play this? I picked up the Clone Wars core set a year or two ago, and I basically botched it. Haven't touched it much since, but I have decided to try again. I have a LAAT L/E gunship and some ARC Troopers, along with a pretty well-painted Captain Rex. I saw that they had a 501st set, and I am hoping for a loved one to give me one for Christmas. Anyways, I wanted to try to redo my already sealed LAAT L/E by taking the sealant and paint off and disassembling it. Hopefully I didn't use model glue, but if I did, does anyone know how you could take it off? (I do know that it melts the glue and stuff) Replies would be nice!
  6. no, my mutual friends are actually interested and we all treat each other well, and this fellow who is being stupid doesn't know anything about me, and just likes to annoy/harass people for fun
  7. Well, these folks I was talking to are mutual friends of mine who are in our small ksp club, and I was explaining to them about skyhooks for spaceflight, and this fellow basically is obsessed with that weird toilet trend and has explicitly stated that he thinks space is “nerd stuff” I think it’s like wimp and something else I think idk
  8. well then, let's be crazy enough to try it!
  9. I just watched Interstellar for the first time, and it is amazing! A bit confusing, but I like how it's about a dad and his daughter, which reminds me of my dad and me (23m) in a sort of way.
  10. Well, I basically snapped at some person today who was making me feel uncomfortable. Is that ok? sorry if this is feeling like r/aita, but this person was basically simping and stuff like that. I was casually talking to some classmates about space stuff and their all like "hurr durr im stupid and *insert idiot simp type quote here*", so I raised my voice at them to try and tell them to fluff off (I groom dogs as a side gig and thats what i think the grumpy ones are thinking lol). oh yeah im a bit liquided rn because it happened like 20 mins ago and i want to head to my apartment and play Fallen Order.
  11. What about skyhooks? That could make space travel so much easier, because you use momentum
  12. So, I was watching this video during my lunch/brunch, here it is: Why aren't we using these? These would be a good option for spaceflight, and seem pretty cost-efficient. How much would one cost? Let me know in the comments!
  13. He could, if he wanted to take drastic measures, sue the girls and/or the school for emotional distress and/or depending on the state (i think), presenting false evidence (the fact that they were scheming), which is a felony. I also am considering filing a suit against someone for similar reasons (emotional distress), because this kid was an 8th grader bullying me in 7th grade, which has increased the levels of anxiety, increased depression risk and stress that I experience every day, but I don't know if this is morally correct. (i got into college earlier this year, and graduated 1 3/4 years ago.) Replies would be nice!
  14. F in the chat for him. He was a great man, who helped his crew survive the Apollo 13 stuff, along with everyone on the ground and in space. also, this was a few years ago, but Rick May, best known for voicing Soldier from TF2.
  15. Hecklers. It sucks to try hard on something and succeed, present it, by yourself, and then people being "genuine" about it by applauding and stuff when you know that they just put other people down and stuff like that, just to annoy people.
  16. My take on Pokemon: a parent sends their mute psychopath child out into the world with a friend/rival to capture and force wild animals into balls and then have the animals fight other animals and get money. Fun, right? TF2 (I don't play, but my good friend does): Portal: fun, I like how the guy who voiced the clone troopers voiced ATLAS and P-BODY. Here's some other good games: Astroneer (minecraft but space without squares and it just got bought by Devolver, so it gets a larger team and now a 2024 roadmap) Stray (if you like cats and robots, it feels kinda like portal in the terms of the absence of humans, and some monsters look like headcrabs from half-life) Ace Combat/Project Wingman (unrealistic but pretty cool, fun to build the jets in ksp) Cities: Skylines (fun city builder with an emphasis on roads, pretty solid game, has a kinda-sorta trashy sequel, so we can relate to them) Star Wars: Squadrons (like ace combat but x-wings and tie fighters) Subnautica (solid sci-fi game, kinda fun to play on a Logitech F710,)
  17. floor 4465: Department of Huskies. The building is like the Tesseract from Interstellar, but filled with many floors and huskies. The line goes on for eternity. The noise of an infinite number of huskies screaming and barking is eerily harmonious. The sound is becoming similar to Mr. Blue Sky by ELO. The air smells like the interior of an In-N-Out Burger restaurant.
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