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The Space Peacock

Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by The Space Peacock

  1. this is definitely one of the weirder glitches i've seen. it almost sounds like it throttles up as you throttle down
  2. @Davidian1024 it appears this issue isnt unique to this engine, so i've changed the title to reflect that also merged a bug report by an guest user
  3. @NaughtyMonster added the bug package you submitted and made your title & report a bit more detailed like you asked Can you confirm everything is still correct? I used the craft file in the bug package in the replication steps, but it has a different name than the one that was initially in the report
  4. are you 100% certain everything was fine when you launched the second vessel? there is a known bug where struts/fuel lines will not be connected when launching the same vessel twice in one save. this might be a result of that
  5. @Sans added link to your other report and made the title more clear. I've seen this situation happen before caused by an entirely different bug, weird that this also causes it
  6. Don't worry about it, i'll have a look myself when i have time (probably also not within the next 16 hours xD). i've also passed this report along to the devs. it's a pretty serious regression
  7. that report is now public; i added a link and reference to this report in the title, since its quite possible they're related. For clarity, the version of the craft in that report does not put itself into the floor after an Undo, correct? I also really like the name 'floor hugger' for this bug
  8. i've been seeing this bug again since patch 5 too, but after loading a workspace instead of an undo. Will do some testing to see if i can reliable replicate this when i find the time
  9. just an FYI- you can actually get around this by switching to the KSC instead of another vessel. the countdown will continue to run and the rocket will launch, possibly leading to some very fun shenanigans
  10. probably just forgot to account for it. honest mistake, but its about time it gets a fix :p
  11. this has been bothering me since forever. thanks for making a report on it also, to add to this: this also extends to shortcuts not listed in the settings. 'CRTL-A' in the VAB to pick up an assembly is done by pressing 'CRTL-Q' on an AZERTY keyboard. i feel like this should be noted somewhere, since it can be confusing for azerty users
  12. in my experience this happens primarily due to certain parts interacting with eachother in ways they should not: besides those cases (and going EVA), it's almost entirely fixed aside from the 0.5second or so of decay that happens after timewarp/loading a save/shutting down engines in low orbit
  13. @Scarecrow71 merged your report into this one. Also fixed a link in one of your comments that was no longer working after your report was merged earlier
  14. There is now a seperate report for this issue happening randomly rather than after a collision: @Scarecrow71 i've merged your report into that one instead, since it appears to more closely describe your issue @Abelinoss Also accidentally removed the title of this report, so had to change it if you remember what the original title was and would like it changed back, feel free to let me know!
  15. There's a lot of problems with the combination of landing legs, low orbits and timewarping/undocking/reloading/extending; your situation is somewhat different and more closely related to this report however. It seems that for some reason certain part configurations (radially attached boosters do this a lot in my experience, for example) will cause a random 'structural failure' to happen, sometimes on the pad, sometimes in flight, and the game will instantly take that as the whole craft being destroyed even if the control point is still intact. definitely one of the more frustrating bugs out there i'll change the title of the report a bit to make this more apparent, if you dont mind
  16. @Davidian1024 moved your report out of the archive. I think you might have accidentally submitted the same video twice (the one for this report), could you please reply with the correct link if you have one?
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