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Everything posted by Lowi_Sace

  1. This does not look good at all, the long silence now is also not a good sign. I fear this may be the end. Was so hoping this game would live up to its potential
  2. Agree with this. Would be fun and handy for people that don’t play with reverse to launch and loading quick safes. Maybe also have an option of explosion being delayed (by setting a timer after triggering. For example blowing up lower stage after crew capsule is away from booster (like falcon-9 test)
  3. Maybe have it optional setting and not as a must, so people with lower spec PCs don’t have the consequence of to much performance drop. I fear it is going to cost to much of performance and/or DEV time which I prefer will be used for other systems at the moment. Maybe they should start with the bigger object and slowly work down to the smaller rocks.
  4. The Devs once talked about something like that and that the ground physics are not good enough for that yet.
  5. For regular round parts this would be very nice. For MK2/3 parts it should be a part variant (one with and one without heath tiles) since these parts have a upper- and underside. The same goes for wings (just add part variants).
  6. Would indeed be cool. Having a hardcore mode with some more challanging gameplay as launch restrictions kerbin (maybe also upgrade KFC), life suport, cummuniction network etc. Things that push players to make some efficient and somewhat realistic (not one kerbal in a command pot to jool) for there misisons
  7. For me this would only make using ground vehicles more frustrating to use. It would just add another reason to make a hopper/plane than a rover. Also a lot of the ground objects will later become collide able, which will make it more chalangin Important is that they now fix and improve the ground physics in the game. This would give the ability to add bigger wheels and other cool ground parts which would make them way attractive for transporting resources (thinking about stuff like those big mining trucks).
  8. Colonies could really help with automatization. It probably start by setting up transport routes for having an always fueled depot were you refuel your ships when you are in low kerbin orbit to later assemble (almost) all of your ships in orbit or low orbit bodies. The thing I wonder about, how do the parts get to orbital stations and colonies? Dou you have to assemble them all on location (with raw recources) or fly the manually there? Or maybe an entirely different approach One approach for automatization which I find cool is that you develop a rocket that can launch stuff for you on background. That would work like this: design a rocked (with fairing for atmosphere bodies), prove you can fly it (with certain mass) to an orbital (or ground) colony and then can just select what you want to launch as long as long as it fits within your mass and fairing size restriction. This would add a great puzzle of how to efficiently divide parts over rockets to get them to orbit and assemble your ship in orbit without having to fly everything by hand (not to much repeating). This system could be also cool for a career mode, were you on background launch stuff for customers (instead of launching all costumer satellites by hand as in KSP1)
  9. Rovers will probably be an efficient way for transporting resources. So that is one usecase. I must be very honest, out of patience reasons I will probably fly most of my transport routes. Exception is if I don’t have to set up all drivable routes by actually driving the stuff from colony A to Colony B. On low gravity bodies you might also use rovers on long (ramped) runways to get resources to orbital stations They talked about recources being places on challenging locations. Some might be best done by rovers.
  10. I would like to have an indicator were on the surface you would hit the surface while on a collision course by taking planetary spin into account. Would make it easier to aim for a site while in orbit. Better would be if there was a maneuver planner for landing burns. Don’t know exactly how that would work, but would be nice for making efficient burns to landing pads and performing suicide burns. The hard thing with making tools for landing will probably be taking atmospheres into account, but maybe there could be a planning tool for that either.
  11. The DEVs talked about space races being a thing in multiplayer in an interview once. They said that there will be an competitive mode (everyone separate agency) and a mode for working together (as one space agency) in multiplayer
  12. I would like them to also have a gameplay aspect. I want a reason to include them on my vessels and colonies. One way to do that is by having a kerbal fitness level which slowly decreases when they spend a long time in low/zero G. Having a ring on your craft/station would limit/prevent a kerbals fitness to go down. Fitness could effect stuff like walking speed, Jumping height and ability to climb ladders. Made a graph how this could be effecting kerbals. Bigger rings would mean more space and higher gravity which would help players to keep there kerbals fitter for the mission.
  13. I don't think weapons have a place in KSP2. While an expanse style battle might be fun, it does not belong in a game with as goal exploring. Is something modderd could add later on
  14. As we all know the game is a work in progress and stuff like timewarp are stil progressing. I would be suprised if we do not get option 1 before the interstellar update. For such long burns that is an absolute must. aslo imagine turning those huige ships without timewarp.
  15. In the current game vehicles cannot turn while time warping. That is probably why the maneuver is a inertially fixed frame. For very short maneuvers the difference is really minimal and for long ones it is not helpful because of the lack of time warp. This was for a while in a bug report, but is put out of it because it takes a while until vehicle turning during time warp will be possible in the game. I am convinced that point 1 will be implemented in the future. The Devs talked about some interstellar burns might take years and for that option 1 is necessary. Personally do not see the need for option 3 if we have a well implemented option 1 and 2
  16. Robotics are very high up my list, Hinges, propellors and pistons would just add a lot to the gameplay. Also would like a way to anker my vehicles to the surface of bodies. Robes for (sky-)cranes and maybe even harpoons Airbags Heath tile covered variants of pars
  17. This is highly needed. I had (a few times) that during a mission my controls didn’t work and I couldn’t turn the rocked. Turns out, it was in docking mode and after pressing the delete key it performed normal again. A clear way to show players in which setting the controls are is an absolute must in my opinion. Took me a wile to figure out what was wrong.
  18. In the Kerbolar system you can get away with a KSP1 style maneuver planner, but for those interstellar maneuvers you want one which also takes fuel weight loss and acceleration path into account The KSP2 planner already is way more precise than from the start of EA. It will probably keep improving over time. They are working on more precision maneuver planner, but could take a while until we get it. I personally do not see the need for option one, I think that is more something modders can add to the game. The problem with option three is that vessel stay fixed/locked during time warp. This was a while in the bug report, but the DEV team said it takes a while until they fix it (complex issue). When this is fixed we may get option three after all. Could be a fix for planning maneuver past your fuel limit. But I don’t know how easy it is to implement
  19. Cities and city light are cool, but something after the roadmap is completed and the game performes well. This is like that finishing touches to make if feel more like a real place Having a few test facilities would be very nice. Like a wind tunnel for testing stability of your craft at high speeds, test terrain for rover and maybe even using the (already in game) simulation room for simulating a certain parts of your mission, to see if your design will perform like you think it will.
  20. This interview with Nate at 31:40 gives everything we know about this topic sofar. They say they have a solution to make the colonies experience interesting before the arriving of the recource system. But no automated routes at colonies.
  21. The colonies aspect will indeed be very incomplete without resource gathering. I think that the DEVs chose this approach because the resource gathering system is very complex and far from done. The colony part is probably way further in development then resource gathering. With resource gathering they need to define resources to a certain place for every planet and moon in the game. They also need to get the transport routes working from just surface to orbit to an interstellar scale. I also think de developers just want to get the core colonies and interstellar gameplay working well before expending it. I am curios how players will be able to build colonies (and launch from them) without resources. Unlimited resources on colonies (like on Kerbin)? Processing raw resources from Kerbin and making parts out of it on location? or maybe with colonies we will get some simple version for gathering resources (like fuel production plants). We will see, it is a lot of speculating now, because we have little information about how colonies will work
  22. The colonies aspect will indeed be very incomplete without resource gathering. I think that the DEVs chose this approach because the resource gathering system is very complex and far from done. The colony part is probably way further in development then resource gathering. With resource gathering they need to define resources to a certain place for every planet and moon in the game. They also need to get the transport routes working from just surface to orbit to an interstellar scale. I also think de developers just want to get the core colonies and interstellar gameplay working well before expending it. I am curios how players will be able to build colonies (and launch from them) without resources. Unlimited resources on colonies (like on Kerbin)? Processing raw resources from Kerbin and making parts out of it on location? or maybe with colonies we will get some simple version for gathering resources (like fuel production plants). We will see, it is a lot of speculating now, because we have little information about how colonies will work
  23. Might be harder said then done. The maneuver planner takes the path the ship takes during the burn into account and thereby also calculates the effect of the weight the ship loses due to the burning of fuel. That would mean that the fuel will get negative mass after that or stays the same which will not give a precise maneuver path.
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