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Everything posted by sym

  1. Wobbly rockets only works in conjunction with good framerate. As we don't have good framerate with even medium size rockets...
  2. Installing Visual Studio Code extension worked - Downloaded to2-syntax-0.0.1.vsix from https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/releases/tag/v0.1.1 - VS Code -> File->Preferences->Extensions-> ... -> Install from VSIX
  3. Lastly - I find it irritating that the windows are on top of the Settings Menu. Love to know if it's a third party issue or KontrolSystem? Cheeeers
  4. Hello Untoldwind, thanks for your openness regarding UX/UX ModuleManager Window. A simplification would be: 1. "No error" and "Status: OK" reflects the same information. 2. Reboot info and app status can be added to "Main Window" Status Bar like "Status: OK", "Status: Rebooting...", "Status: Error - Foo went wrong!" 3. Reboot time can be removed 4. This would reduce "Main Window" Button-Bar to "Console, Reboot - Close" - No additional labels like "Control" or "Global VALUES" are required. That way you could get rid of the window "Module Manager". As a result we just have "Main Window" and "Console". Cheers
  5. Console Navigation - Scrollbars would require focus bc scrollbars without scroll wheel are underwhelming - Scrollbars using mouse track and up down buttons do not conform with expectations bc. playing point and shoot is not fun (except when playing Moorhuhn) - If there would be or is a general proper focus management in ksp ui, then scrollbars would work - but I don't see that right now! - Buttons (next to "Clear") "PgUp", "PgDown", "Home", "End" would make sense and are immersive - I think buttons would be "cool" but not required, although a little disappointing not being able to access logs since start
  6. When increasing the window size of the console, previously hidden text is not displayed. Expected: I can read console output that was hidden / truncated by a small window size. Cheers
  7. Just tested 0.1.1 - thanks a lot for the update. - Movement of Main Window works fine now - Scripts circularize and exec_node perform well - Main Window responds well to ship selections - Reboot loads newly created to2 scripts well Untoldwind, it would be lovely if you could answer these two questions: I copied to2-syntax to \users\[name]\.vscode\extensions but the extension does not show up in vscode. Any hint? Do you plan to add it to the marketplace? What is the point of the Window "KontrolSystem: ModuleManager"? Future work or legacy xD? Cheers
  8. Yeah! What do we have here https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/tree/master/Tools/vscode/to2-syntax
  9. Hello Untoldwind,| brave I am and thank you so much - I love kOS. Installed: https://spacedock.info/mod/3277/BepInEx Space Warp Plugin And: https://github.com/untoldwind/KontrolSystem2/releases/tag/v0.1.0 Works like charm - it did create a proper maneuver node. Issues I currently have: - The Main Window (KontrolSystem cannot be moved and will keep it's position until restart of ksp. If you resize from Ultrawide to FullHD you cannot use or move the window. Expected: You still can access the window. - I would love to see what vehicle I am operating on xD Cheers
  10. TLDR: The Kerbal Space Program 1 mod development community wrote an open letter to the Kerbal Space Program 2 team expressing their concerns about the lack of an official mod loader, the presence of bugs in the game, and the disparity in design direction. They ask for the prioritization of fixing bugs before modding and for clear guidance on mod development. They also ask the player base to be patient as the development team works on creating a stable and supported platform for modding.
  11. Regarding developer productivity: Do Spacewarp or Bepinex support refreshing / restarting your mod after code change without restarting KSP? I mean that's a real good qualifier if one loader can and the other cannot.
  12. Hello, I miss a feature to comment or discuss mod at Spacedock. Compared to other solutions - e.g. Steam Workshop - you cannot get community feedback about the mod. So questions like: "Is the mod currently working", current workarounds and celebrations cannot take place at Spacedock. I love to see some community discussion in Spacedock. Cheers
  13. Having two mod loader setups requires modders to test in two incompatible environments. Stage Infos says: "Only works on the latest SpaceWarp version! May have issues with Bepinex" https://spacedock.info/mod/3272/Stage Info "may" have issues - it costs effort to test 2 environments. Also as a user you can never be sure if threir setup is correct. It's like USB2 - you always have to insert 3 times to find the correct orientation. Cheers :)
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