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Everything posted by Mushylog

  1. I keep having this issue and it is critical especially with planes, since they do not leave the atmosphere and the wing trails remain. Only rockets, or any craft that goes in space, manages to make the wing trails disappear and restore the FPS count to normal. Last craft I played with, today, had dropped the FPS count to 0. With 14800 ms/frame. That is pretty bad! Though I know it is difficult to reproduce this bug, I think the team should allow players, for now, to turn off the wing trails in order to avoid this critical bug.
  2. I also encountered this black artifact bug when entering Jool's clouds. Specifically when I looked at the sun through the clouds, the black artefact would trigger around the sun and whenever I moved the camera slowly (I could draw with the visual bug) Screenshots: After a reload, previous artifacts disappear but bug still triggers:
  3. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 Installed on ‎29/‎06/‎2022 OS build 19045.3570 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0 | CPU: CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz Base speed: 3.40 GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical | GPU: GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Driver version: Driver date: 26/10/2023 DirectX | RAM: Memory 32.0 GB DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Slots used: 4 of 4 Form factor: DIMM Hardware reserved: 4 Severity: Low Frequency: High Description: This visual bug is noticeable at high speeds. In orbit or in Kerbin's atmosphere I can notice the light flickering on my active vessel. I don't know what is causing this, because there is nothing between the sun and my craft to cause the light to dim as such. Normally, clouds do that, but I notice it when I am above clouds. So I suspect it is indirectly caused by the clouds (their map or pattern that moves around Kerbin, is supposed to cast shadows on the active craft, so maybe that is a by-product bug of that liaison?). Video: Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  4. I recently found that time-warping (in atmosphere, aka physics-warp, x2 or x3 time-warp) can undo this visual bug that also affects FPS. It doesn't always undo it right away, going back and forth, (x2, x3, x1, x3 ... etc.), does eventually remove the very thick and bright trails and brings the FPS to a relatively normal number.
  5. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 Installed on ‎29/‎06/‎2022 OS build 19045.3570 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0 | CPU: CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz Base speed: 3.40 GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical | GPU: GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Driver version: Driver date: 26/10/2023 DirectX | RAM: Memory 32.0 GB DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Slots used: 4 of 4 Form factor: DIMM Hardware reserved: 4 Severity: High (FPS progressively drops). Frequency: High, successfully reproduced the bug. Description: In flight, the game progressively performs worse. The FPS counter drops. This happens with a specific craft (user @hidearimjosh's plane) but does not happen with a craft (that has wings) created on my own save. Note: I noticed that the trails the wings leave behind them in atmosphere appear way too bright than usual. They are not as transparent as they commonly are. The craft in question does not have multiple wings clipped into each other. It appears the effect for the wing-trails is rendered multiple times. Here are some photos of the bug in question: As you can see, the wing trails here are transparent, and I can attest the FPS count was generously optimal, the performance was good. The save is attached to this report under the name "2023-11-08 maybe FPSbug.json" and the craft on which the FPS drop happens is named "joshsplane" Included Attachments: joshsplane.txt 2023-11-08maybeFPSbug.json
  6. Here is a representation of the bug. First part is a brand new save, second is a 4y game-time old save.
  7. The thrust is back to 100% when we switch between vessels as well. Craft A goes to Kerbin orbit, parked there at 0% thrust. Switch to vessel B within Kerbin SOI (landed or orbiting), switch back to craft A and the thrust is now at 100%. I reproduced the bug only once, out of 3 attempts in total, by: controlling craft A, then going to KSC, then VAB; launch a Mk1 capsule pod (dummy vessel) on the launch pad: (thrust is now at 100% by default) recover it, back to KSC. Go to tracking station, control craft A, thrust is at 100% again. The 2 other times I repeated that I had not reloaded the save, they were consecutive attempts, and I could not repeat the bug. Video: bug happens at 2:55 but the test begins at 2:09
  8. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 Installed on ‎29/‎06/‎2022 OS build 19045.3570 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0 | CPU: CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz Base speed: 3.40 GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical | GPU: GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Driver version: Driver date: 19/10/2023 DirectX | RAM: Memory 32.0 GB DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Slots used: 4 of 4 Form factor: DIMM Hardware reserved: 4 Severity: Medium and Low, there are no workaround (except for reverting French language to English), the text remains hidden by the window for some parts. Frequency: High, easily reproducible: Go to main menu. Select settings. Change language to French. Load a game save. Go to VAB and hover over multiple parts (will show images of which parts texts description are occluded down below). If there is a need for help in translating French to English (or vice versa) I am available to help! Though I assume there already are qualified employees for this. Screenshots related to the issue are uploaded on the website Imgur (it contains 45 images, so 45 parts descriptions - it was easier for me to bundle it up in one folder rather than posting every single URL here in the report): https://imgur.com/a/eeLZ3Fz (if the Imgur link does not seem to work, I recorded a video of all the images, just pause the video to see each image (best I could do under the circumstances)) First part with occluded description text is "Boîte à sardines MK2" and last part is "SP-T25" YouTube Video: Included Attachments:
  9. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 Installed on ‎29/‎06/‎2022 OS build 19045.3570 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0 | CPU: CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz Base speed: 3.40 GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical | GPU: GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Driver version: Driver date: 19/10/2023 DirectX | RAM: Memory 32.0 GB DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Slots used: 4 of 4 Form factor: DIMM Hardware reserved: 4 Severity: Low Frequency: High. Very easy to reproduce the bug. Description: I am not sure when this bug happened, but frequently the game will not activate a staging on the first click of the green button nor will it active a staging on the first pressing of the space bar. A second click/press will do, though. I believe this is not intended to be, as the tutorial itself believes that one staging input confirms separation of the craft, in tutorial "Missing the Ground 3/6". (Paige can be fooled!) Here is a video of it happening (I have to click a second time to successfully separate the stage):
  10. As far as I can remember, since release, the game never allowed to plan manoeuvres that require more DeltaV than what the active vessel had. Can it be verified that it was possible to make a manoeuvre in previous versions?
  11. @SnarkThe game already simulates different levels of sound depending on where the camera is, relative to the active vessel (and any other vessels around, ie boosters and other parts that generate audio that you can detach from the main vessel). So I think it would be a good idea to have sonic booms, still, even if the game currently does not encourage different camera-view-points. It doesn't encourage it but it's still happening. Example: launch a rocket on the pad and activate the engine. Gradually, zoom out and zoom in, you will hear different sounds from the engine. I say, if we're going to have some fun realistic sound effects, we should go and do it well! We would be able to launch a "missile" rocket to have it pass by some kerbal located on the ground, and by passing by him we would be able to switch vessels to have his point of view and see the missile pass by + its sonic boom + its shock cone. It would be a really cool addition in 1.0 !
  12. @Spicat Yes but I recovered the vessel in that location, there should only be a flag that I planted. I also tried to find the exact spot / biome / similar grass type but could not: all I could find was green grass and not yellow-dry grass, and it did not disappear in any camera angle. Should I send you the save file anyway? Via discord?
  13. Yes! I noticed that too. To get around that bug (or lack of feature?), I would normally launch a dummy vessel, like the mk1 capsule pod and then immediately recover it, in order to "reset" the "active vessel" state of the game. Because I believe that - when you are in low Kerbin orbit and go to the tracking station - the game is still secretly in flight with that orbital vessel. Launching a vessel sorts of "refreshes" the game, and thus allows to fully unlock the timewarp speeds. This is a pretty important feature!
  14. The video linked in the post (at 1:14 timestamp) confirms that I did not use the numpads to mute the music or audio as I do press the buttons to mute/unmute audio and music.
  15. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 Installed on ‎29/‎06/‎2022 OS build 19045.3570 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0 | CPU: CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz Base speed: 3.40 GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical | GPU: GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Driver version: Driver date: 19/10/2023 DirectX | RAM: Memory 32.0 GB DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Slots used: 4 of 4 Form factor: DIMM Hardware reserved: 4 Severity: Low Frequency: Inconsistent, the visual bug happens (or I notice it) 1/7 times. I couldn't reproduce it. Graphics Quality presets: High, full-screen. Description: I launched a very simple rocket to discover the different biomes of Kerbin; the video I linked will show the location of the bugged scatter. After landing, I noticed the scatter bug by moving the camera around. Video:
  16. True!! I missed that part. It does look like the Mun lights up the KSC. There even are shadows.
  17. At night time on Kerbin, the Mun (when lit by the Kerbol sun) should emit a cold light on the shadow sides of Kerbin. So that at night time - and whenever the Mun is not in a new moon phase - the sky, clouds and the terrain of Kerbin is lit by a soft and cold light of the mun. It would look absolutely fantastic.
  18. Especially during launches and landings, engine plumes should emit nice coloured (and flickering) lights on the (somewhat close) terrain, buildings and even clouds. Examples: Video from Space X (Falcon) Light from plume at 0:05 seconds of the video Light from plume on the drone ship at 8:28 of the video (
  19. It may be there because a feature is lacking right now and it will be useful in future updates.
  20. This bug also affects the tutorials dramatically, as shown in this screen-capture (and so far only a complete reboot of the game makes the trajectory lines appear again). I can't place a maneuver plan if I can't see the trajectory, Paige! Think, Paige! Think!
  21. I just tested without skipping the intro cinematic. I just created a new save with the new user experience enabled, to have the intro, and the bug does not trigger because the cinematic animation is skipped. The music of the KSC is disabled, any launch for any vessel will have no music or sound effect.
  22. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Edition Windows 10 Home Version 22H2 Installed on ‎29/‎06/‎2022 OS build 19045.3570 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19052.1000.0 | CPU: CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz Base speed: 3.40 GHz Sockets: 1 Cores: 4 Logical | GPU: GPU 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Driver version: Driver date: 19/10/2023 DirectX | RAM: Memory 32.0 GB DDR3 Speed: 1600 MHz Slots used: 4 of 4 Form factor: DIMM Hardware reserved: 4 Specs: Severity: Low. If you reload the last save again, environment sound, music and craft sound are working again. Frequency: High. It happened 2 times out of 2 reproductions. How to reproduce the audio bug: Create a new sandbox campaign. Loading screen appears, then the animation tutorial intro cinematic appears: immediately skip it by clicking the cross on the bottom right of the screen. The KSC appears without music. Launch a rocket via the VAB: on the launchpad, when the engine fires, there is no sound. No music. Audio returns to normal behaviour once the save is reloaded. A video of the bug happening:
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