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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. floor 4279 IDK oh look a dot thats getting closer............................
  2. granted they grow massive and you can no longer land on laythe I wish for more Falcon heavy launches next year
  3. when you understand the amount of delta V to get to the Moon is RSS / RO
  4. floor 4277 A simple fact that you shold never doubt spacex remember falcon 1 they failed 3 times then eventually got it i recko next flight will make it to staging like the 3rd flight of falcon 1 and then on the 3rd flight will be like flight 4 of falcon 1 they will eventually get it working ever heard of crew dragon????
  5. starship is still in development first operational flight 2026 for HLS demo
  6. Floor 4273 boosters inijition and liftoff of artemis 1 Starship is targeting september BTW
  7. floor 4270 me loking at you funny with a bunch of ships and boosters contemplating wether to ask you to join you on the 3rd starship flight test
  8. floor 4266 a machine that deletes @AlamoVampire from the solar system
  9. banned to the cargobay of IFT-2 in september hopefully the 3rd week od september
  10. banned for doubting spacex and sounding a lot like Common sense skeptic
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