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Everything posted by kspbutitscursed

  1. i'm in a very punny mood at the moment
  2. maybe instead of using redirect you could use O.R.A.N.G.E.S instead by estreet rockets
  3. excitement guarenteed soo what do you think will happen on flight 2 i reckon that they will make it to staging an then they will hotstage sucessfully
  4. i wish for starship to launch Denied starship will spiiin
  5. LMAO welp that escalated quickly. The worse thing that i did was spam images of Zuul on the Calvinball thread. lol
  6. S25 is getting its paint job atm ireckon launch 15th of september
  7. banned to s25 in the rocket garden at starbase
  8. Floor 4184: a fridge thats glowing orange ITS ORANGE
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