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Little 908

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Everything posted by Little 908

  1. You really only realize how bad it is when you play ksp1 again. Hopefully this will change
  2. I cant tell you where you got that. But that photo was taken on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 11:52 AM
  3. Hello everyone, I'm starting a RSS / RO game. I already have over a hundred mods, but I'm wondering if there are some parts mods you could recommend. Cheers!
  4. Theres no way, especially with updates slowing down.
  5. Jool, Laythe, and Vall and yes I did photoshop out the stars to make it more realistic
  6. Maybe they should give us their version of ksp 2, you know, the one thats so good that “Instead of getting bored of it, we play it after work.” The one with a multiplayer and interstellar. The one with colonies and the planet glumo they keep on bragging about, yet we know almost nothing expect the rough features about it. Even if its rough, ksp2 literally can’t get anymore rough then it is now. Bruh just give us the game in unity
  7. I'd just like to point out that quality over quantity is not always true. If you have 5 starving kids, do you make them a fancy chicken that takes hours to make. Or do you make frozen nuggets from the store. The children are hanging on a hair. Please consider this.
  8. Yep, Reviews are now 1:2 Positive to negative for yesterday and today on steam. I expect them to go back into the negative in the coming weeks.
  9. I guess this is what we get for getting delayed for 3 years...
  10. Rip, I guess its gonna be years until we finish the roadmap Honestly the early access hasn’t been going great, and I think this is the breaking point for me, I don’t think the game will be at the 1.0 release for quite a long time. I might hop into the game now and then for updates and maybe to update my tips and tricks, but I don’t think playing it for 30 hours every two weeks, is going to be fun. I’ll probably still be on the forums
  11. This should help Say you have a fairing, and you finish it, and it pops up with a message saying "warning: cannot accept current changes. Fairing is colliding with invalid assembly part." So you try and try and try! To get the fairing right, but one of the two keeps happening; 1. You can't do anything without the fairing saying the message or 2. You can get a fairing, but it is not to your liking Well, I have a easy fix for you! 1. Click on any place, then place it back or If you don't want to replace a part on the craft 2. Click on any part on the part picker and recycle it From:
  12. 9/10 I mean, how do you miss a mod with a highlighted name
  13. Granted, all the people I now meet, will instantly agree with with I’m saying to them. I wish for the person below my comment to delate theirs
  14. Uh, sorry but can’t help but ask, who’s mustard? Waiter! Theres a *metal pipe falling* in my soup!
  15. Granted. You may now control universe sandbox 2 I wish that this is the last thing ever said in this thread
  16. I have a bunch of em covered here: hope this helps
  17. Wait when did they add worker kerbals?? :))))))))) letz goooo
  18. I do, but I was simply stating that the game is literally about an alien species in the Kerbolar system. A simple yet intriguing franchise. And we simply do not have the correct parts to make something like this without pushing the boundaries of what this sandbox is about. Sure we can make them, but that doesn't always mean its a part of the game, and probably means its going to be part heavy. I personally don't want to judge the things anyone builds in the game, as building, e.g. a dragon, is very impressive with the parts provided by the game. But I do think they should be sticking to the kerbal space program related stuff, like the Apollo missions. Thus being said, I still think challenges like this should still be a option along side another challenge, or something.
  19. Idk really why but I think its something to do with merging crafts, but the camera focuses on the middle of two stages, and both stages are still able to work. Is there a current fix for this issue?
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