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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. That's regrettable because performance is probably one of the main reasons for using a mod manager.
  2. Is the option also visible when the craft is standing on the launchpad awaiting launch?
  3. If you still have room (time) for an extra feature i would like to suggest an option to remove all installed parts that are not used in any craft,savefile or persistence file. It will prevent accidental removal of (needed) parts while keeping the memory overhead as low as possible.
  4. Right click on the engine of the fifth stage in the VAB. If the appearing menu contains "Shutdown engine" the engine has been activated in the VAB by you in a previous editing session. Click on the button next to "Shutdown engine". At the launch the engine won't work anymore until the fifth stage is activated. Hope this helps.
  5. An other approach would be that when a mod is removed only those parts are removed that haven't been used. Most mods have some parts which are used frequently while other parts aren't used at all. This way the amount of used memory can be kept low while using as many mods as one wishes. Take f.e. the space shuttle mod which provides excellent engines and a lot of tanks. I never use those tanks but almost always one or more engines of this mod.
  6. This is the best addition to the game since Mechjeb!
  7. The one thing which realy should be added to the (stock) game is a navball docking alignment indicator such as developed by mic_e (see Navball-docking-alignment-indicator-v2. Docking without it is very, very difficult. Often players use Mechjeb to get two crafts docked. With such an indicator there is no (longer) a need to use Mechjeb for docking. The indicator makes docking possible, even for players just starting with KSP. As such i consider it to be an essential element in the game and highly reccommend adding this feature to the game.
  8. Unless i have an incorrect understanding of the english language the answer to your question should be "Nothing!". After the point of no return has been passed there is no return possible no matter what any does or doesnt do.
  9. Thank you for the code, i'll take a look at it. On the subject of the sections in the tank being visually apparent, the tank should receive a color coding matching the fuels/rcs. And thinking of it, it doesn't need to be restricted to three types. It could well be(come) a general purpose tank filled with anything in any combination. The downside of this would be a higher empty mass.
  10. I did already state that it would involve a plugin. I had the impression that frizzank also had a need for creators of plugins. So I was venting an idea which i had and hoped to get some feedback to see if it was a good idea. Since no one responded to the idea, it must have been a bad one. Shame, it would have been a nice puzzle for me to solve in order to get some experience in C sharp. Sorry for bothering anyone, i won't make that mistake again.
  11. Is it allowed to .... eh .... well .... dump idea's here concerning the challenge without doing any development? (if not, please say so). The challenge gave me the idea of one tank with a volume of 30 with two floating/movable separators which devide the volume into three compartements. The floating separators enable the volume of the compartements to expand or contract. Each of the compartements can be anything between 0 and 30 providing the sum of the three volumes remains 30. It will require a plugin ofcourse to regulate things. Would this be usefull in KSP?
  12. This is a very good initiative! On the down side, it requires a basic level of knowledge which is often the problem for most wannabe developers. I myself have tried several times to design/build a part but i never succeeded in getting it succesfully into KSP. After some tries i usually give up. My latest attempt was the Pook shuttle
  13. Perhaps not known by some persons, The White Owl (Matt) has started a new video series called KSP Rescaled. Here is the link for part 1:
  14. Is the plugin compatible with the "proof of concept" tracks? If so, i would like to test the plugin with those tracks.
  15. I.m.h.o. you're wrong in assuming there are not enough interested users but it's your decision and there is no need to apologise for that. Does anybody have suggestions how to change the cfg's?
  16. Please reconsider. It creates the option to include only certain parts of each mod (which is something i would like the best)
  17. It's very nice to see you're back, Electronic Fox. You'll probably receive a lot of requests now to make or adapt this and that. I'm afraid i also have a somewhat unspecified request. You'll probably remember the 'proof-of concept' tracks. In my opinion those were the best you've designed and built. The suspension and the way they moved were most appealing to me so it would be very appriciated if you could something like that.
  18. Everyone has a different taste. Personally i absolutely like this tile setting. It has a real Kerbal feel to it. I can only hope you will keep this tile exterior in the final shuttle. It reminds me also of a shark skin, which is rougher than sandpaper yet has the least amount of resistance in the water.
  19. A planetoid, for once not shaped like a rough ball or potato.
  20. Cursing and swearing is like everything else in life: Too much is bad (manners).
  21. Hmmm, this can be very handy with insufficient memory. Thank you!
  22. Glancing very quickly at the image made me think of a modified garbagecan (with lid). Very kerbal-like!
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