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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. I agree, with the addition that it should flash when the docking port is set to target or control from here.
  2. Being able to launch from other sites has been my most wanted mod! * brushes a tear of joy away *
  3. Same here. I was about to create a 50 m tank to measure one section and multiply it by 16 (16 sections in the runway).
  4. I just entered this thread for the first time and found this picture posted in it. Frankly, i'm drooling on my keyboard. It would be in the same class as the B9 pods if it could be made (without the attached manipulators)
  5. I have no idea if it is possible but i would love to use a utility like this to display in real time all kind of craft data on a second screen (on digital or analog gauges). Perhaps an idea for extending Telemachus?
  6. Matt, please check your PM. Especially the message "Special easter egg". You'll understand why i can't post it in this thread.
  7. Which is a pity. Perhaps we should start without a server first.
  8. I've succesfully created my camo texture thanks to KhaosCorp (and learned something new).
  9. I have an existing texture that i would like to change to a texture with gray and black camouflage. The existing texture has all kinds of details which i don't want to lose. Is it doable with paint.net? How should i go about with it? With an extra layer or such? Cheers, TheCardinal
  10. I might be wrong, but did you by any chance add the mapsat antenna AND the GPS unit? Judging by the picture you did add them both. Using both parts at the same time is a known reason for problems. Remove the GPS unit and try it again. To stay on the safeside remove previous data files in the plugindata directory.
  11. Great work Lando! Some suggestions for improvement: Move the lines in the centercolumn (from hight, which should be height by the way, till the option to make the part as small as possible) up two lines. Add the option to make the part 0.20 compatible Add the option to make the part a probe-'core' If the first option is marked, PART {} is added in the cfg.
  12. I've had the same problems previously but as everything seemed to work, i didn't give it much thought. However it now appears not all required mods are transferred. (That was a very expensive realisation as a very large spacestation i've been vanished due to a missing part. I won't be using 1.2.4 anymore. If i can, i will go back to a previous version (or await 1.2.5)
  13. There is a tool which is able to merge savefiles. Why don't we each build a base on a planet or moon? (Those can be merged into one savefile). Example: Bioman gives Duna as target. There are 16 members, each is allowed to nominate 1 mod. 4 members do the scientific research. Volunteers wil do that. bioman assigns tasks if there are insufficient volunteers. The remaining 12 members are allowed to build a base or spacestation around the named celestial body., provided the base/ships etc. do not exceed 400 parts and consists of only the nominated mods. The savefiles are sent to the "merger" (to be assigned by bioman). The resulting savefile will be posted in the thread. Every part in debris is counted as being part of the base/station unless the member "cleans" up his/her junk. Every mission starts with a new clean savefile. Members can alter their nominated mod before the next mission starts. What do you all think about that?
  14. Mission Name: Munar Temperature Collecting Mission Objective: Determining temperatures on Mun Mission Status: Accomplished Summary: No average temperature can be given for the Mun as the temperature is dependent on the altitude of the measurement. Measured temperatures remain the same during night and day. All measured temperatures were below zero, dropping as the altitude increased. (Probe / Temp / Location / Altitude) Lowest altitude: Probe 14b / -11,01 / 08.33.12 S \ 25.48.30 E / 659,2 m Highest altitude: Probe 15 / -42.10 / 89.20.15 N \ 157.22.18 W / 2523 m Does anyone have the coordinates of the lowest and highest point on Mun? (For verification of the above conclusion and to determine if the temperature rises above zero at lower altitudes or remains at a negative value) An additional craft is circling the Mun waiting for the coordinates.
  15. Perculiar initial temperature measurements on Mun. Nightime (in the dark) temperature 000.00, daytime (in full light) temperature 000.00. Either there is a flaw in the measurement instruments or something very strange is happening on the Mun. More probes will touch down on the Mun to confirm the initial results.
  16. I would say, go right ahead and show all of us what kind of flaags are possible. It then can be decided in a poll or such which is best.
  17. Is someone willing to create an ISSO flag for the flights?
  18. Were the measurements corrected for altitude of the probes?
  19. Matt, may i suggest starting a separate thread for the (sub-)series on how to design a spaceshuttle? With a complete list of mods. At the start of the first video, you name a few but you don't name them all.
  20. I will be representing Minmus Advanced Development Inc.
  21. I believe you're wrong on that. I believe there were enough people reading them. Writing is a completely different matter. Without any suggestions about the required/wanted subjects only a few will even attempt to write something. If you want an audience that sends in articles, you at least should provide some hints on the preferred subjects. (my 2 cts).
  22. One of the things i'm missing in the Mod Admin at the moment is a button to remove all the selection marks. At the present all the marks have to be removed one at a time.
  23. Bug notification: Only the first Downloaded mod (with the browser) is placed in the chosen directory, the following mods are added to the KSPModAdmin directory.
  24. First of all, congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Amazing that you still have found the time to update this application. I must say, you've done a superb job! This is a perfect way to use KSP and (all) the mods to the fullest! Everyone has some parts which he or she likes the most and uses frequently. Now everyone can without having to add several parts which aren't used anyway. If you change the text on the button from "Lunch Kerbal Space Program" to "Launch Kerbal Space Program", it will be perfect. The only real objection i have at the moment is "Why didn't i create that program".
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