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Everything posted by SirDeadPuppy

  1. starship like heat shield tiles rotors to make prop plans and heli probes parts that moved so i could make the flaps of starship fold in like real life when doing the belly flop ussr rocket parts better ground vehicle rover parts more command modules and solar panels,types and sizes just more..different sizes and shapes and types and everything im sure im missing a few theres always something i wish i had but these seem like some big ones anyone else wish we had more stuff for ksp2? maybe you all know some mods where i can find this kind of stuff
  2. i know its no where near perfect but its the first time im posting one of these any suggestions? also devs please for the love of all thats holy add more parts!!!
  3. dude this is AWESOME!!! can you do one from launch to intercept? getting two orbits to meet is...uhh..hard? more so when its something bit and it kinda ends up off the plane of...elliptic ? errr...you end up in a tilted orbit from a nice straight one side is more up say and the other more down when they both end up like that its hell on kerbal getting it to line up and thanks for the video!!
  4. s_gamer101 hey thanks for all the help!!! that was super helpful for real!!
  5. so every time i try to put a lander in my drop ship the wheels clip through the floor and get my rover or well anything with wheels stuck..its so bad im about to give up on drop ships any ideas or help?
  6. this just killed my own duna mission when the lander chould not dock with the tug....hours spent for nothing...please HELP
  7. I hate the node its like pure guess work how to get anywhere im new as hell never played 1 but at this point i just try to get to a planets sphere of influence and just manually go into orbit ...in fact most times its just me praying i get close enough to a world that i can just brute force my way to it ...this sucks they need a better system or to explane it like how the hell am im suppose to know when a window is? they never mention it they have no way to find one i got eye them from a graph on reddit ....so far i only been to the moon and juel every thing else is LOL got to mars once by turning on infifnt fuel and just spent hours just flying to it and more hourse trying to slow down and orbit it LOL
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