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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. Hopefully tomorrow on Friday, the developers will give us some good coal to keep the hype train going... maybe even the promised KSP2 Soundtrack Feature Episode! HYPE!
  2. Why not take all the bugs you've found and put it into a bug report where the information can be used and the bugs can be fixed, instead of that huge wall of text with no details about the bugs whatsoever? Actually, it wasn't just the pandemic, it was the fact that Take-Two poached most of the staff from Star Theory (the main development team) and closed the studio. That would probably affect the project, wouldn't it? Uh... the KSP2 team has added bug reporting in the launcher and on the forums. ...which brings us back to bug reporting and the bug fix status updates that happen on the forums. The part manager is a questionable feature, but the stuff about the UI sounds more like personal preference than bad game design. Usually if you need to remove a symmetry part, you take it off, change it to the symmetry count you want, and put it back on...? ...once again brings us back to bug reporting. I've just checked and MSFS has lower CPU and GPU recommended specs than KSP2. ...which they are doing, if you read the dev posts and bug fix status updates which, judging your post, it seems you haven't.
  3. @Bej Kerman is right on how KSP1 with graphics mods looks a little off, when you have the cartoony Kerbals and spacecrafts and then the super-realistic oceans and clouds and rocks, etc. But @Royalswissarmyknife is also right that it's two different styles. I think, personally, KSP2 looks the best because of the consistent art style, but it's just not what we're used to from the original. And don't get me wrong: KSP1 with graphics mods is big step up from stock. I'm just saying that the game was never built to have volumetric clouds and ground scatter as far as the eye can see.
  4. Floor 4059: A Minecraft world full of players mining iron ore.
  5. No, it gets consumed by Mark Watney from the bestselling book "The Martian". Are you telling me a shrimp fried this rice?
  6. 37 celestial bodies in the black hole system 37 celestial bodies Take one CB, feed it to the black hole 36 celestial bodies in the black hole system
  7. Floor 4057: training facilities for the newly recruited employees from Floor 4056 Actually, the mines give us rocks that contain raw ore, which we extract at the factory. We also produce the refinery equipment. (That's how it works, right?)
  8. 39 old forum games in the forums 39 old forum games Re-revive #40, hopefully not get a warning 38 old forum games in the forums
  9. Floor 4055: A factory that supplies raw ore and equipment to the factory on Floor 4054.
  10. Floor 4052: a factory that makes cans in a can for the cans for the cheese in a can factory.
  11. Nice stock Skylab! It'd be cool if the Skylab of this alternate timeline had the second solar array on the side.
  12. Shark fin soup is illegal, sir. Homeland Security will be arriving shortly. Waiter! There are no croutons in my bisque!
  13. Nope, tis I, TwoCalories. I want to see @Kerbalsaurus next.
  14. @dsplaisted, you meant P 46, because P 45 was in the post above. That would make @WaldeB's post N 45 So my post will be P 46.
  15. Is there support for Outer Planets Mod? Sorry if this has been asked before or the answer is on the first post and I didn't see it.
  16. Granted. You plant a tree that gives you tech at the KSC. Wait 30 years and it will grow. Also, you must give it funds and science for it to grow. Have fun! I wish to visit Sarnus (OPM) and see its magnificent rings up close.
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