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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. Banned by Scorch and the Clone Commandos.
  2. Thanks a lot! I was actually confused why the I was tagged in the August TOTM. Actually, I should be congratulating you for your mission report getting TOTM!
  3. Granted. The bananas appear above your house. Like, all the bananas. On Earth. Even the ones that haven't completely grown yet. And the plants they grow on too. Have fun! (Make a Wish)
  4. Granted. EA bought KSP1 and gave it new updates... Uh oh... I wish KSP2's gets the science update soon.
  5. Banned by Imperial Commander Cody.
  6. I've been playing Battlefront 2. Fortunately, I nabbed the Celebration Edition on Epic Games for free a few years back. That means I don't have to do any of EA's famed microtransactions to get characters I want! I'm a huge Star Wars fan, so its loads of fun being the characters and battling out in iconic locations. I've barely touched any of the Heroes and I only play as clone trooper characters. I also play Among Us. Yes, I know, the dead, cringe, meme game. But it's still a lot of fun to play.
  7. In a Feature Episode about the soundtrack? I'm really sad that it's gotten to the point where the devs will release a behind-the-scenes picture of the next Feature Episode with a computer monitor that has a picture on it and it'll be seen as some desperate attempt at reigniting hope in the game.
  8. I like the concept of this mission report, but does this mean that Kanawai is cancelled?
  9. I think that if KSP2 is going to have multiplayer, it needs to have a stable singleplayer experience first. By jumping into multiplayer before the foundation of the game is stable, it'll leave a buggy multiplayer experience and unfinished singleplayer experience.
  10. Floor 3991: exactly like Floor 3990, but with Korean Corn Dogs instead of hot dogs. (Specifically Korean because they still have cheese and toppings.)
  11. Banned because love is the one thing that transcends time and space.
  12. Granted. You get pickles soaked in peach juice. Yummy. I wish for TARS.
  13. Oh, it's me again. Where is @Kerbal Productions though?
  14. The wording's a little funny, so does that mean you're on our side? (CCC-DC) ALSO: After the director of the CCC-DC finally watched a certain sci-fi movie, they introduced some new tech to the CCC. They look something like this:
  15. We interrupt this program (which was actually a broadcast on the CCC network, not the news) with a counterargument. Jebediah Kerman did universe hopping to try and escape the assassins. This was done for self-protection, not to cause chaos. Also, Jeb and his friends became allies to CCC and pledged to clean up the chaos they inadvertently caused. The CCC-DA was the actually the first to go rogue by joining the Assassins (who were really the ones at the root of the chaos) and giving them CCC military hardware. That is our reason why the CCC-DC is going to war with the CCC-DA. *** Two squadrons of F-35s are headed for the Dessert Airfield, completely invisible to their radars.
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