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Everything posted by KspNoobUsernameTaken

  1. I've made significant progress with multiple inputs. Error handling is completed.
  2. Introduction: This is a fork of @Aniruddh's Beamed Power Standalone, updated to allow the transfer and receipt of multiple resources. Here is the original mod's thread: This mod is 1 input -> n outputs. Each and every receiver can have a different output resource, but all transmitters must use the same resource. This is, luckily, fully configurable. All receivers will be compatible with all transmitters, irrespective of their individual resources. The mod comes with a beamed power transmitter, created by @Aniruddh, and two receivers, one for ElectricCharge and one for ThermalPower, courtesy of @JadeOfMaar. Requires ModuleManager. How does this work: There are 4 configurable 'objects'. Settings.cfg WirelessReceiver WirelessSource WirelessReflector This mod does not provide any propulsion parts. That has been deprecated entirely. This mod is INCOMPATIBLE with Beamed Power Standalone. Uninstall both Beamed Power and its Realistic Wavelengths addon before installing this. This mod may or may not break vessels that already have beamed power parts. Downloads (Github only): Releases Source code (Github): Source code Issue tracker (Github): Issues Dev thread: Acknowledgements: @Aniruddh for the original mod @JadeOfMaar for the receiver parts @HebaruSan for his help in creating the mod Pings: @JadeOfMaar @theJesuit @Overlocker96
  3. @JadeOfMaar, V1.0.0 is out! https://github.com/ProgrammerFailure/KSP-Beamed-Power-Standalone-mod/releases I'll make the thread in mod releases in ~1.5 hr Edit: release thread is out!
  4. @JadeOfMaar, I was able to correct the issue I was having. Full release should come by tomorrow. Also, I think I've made the appropriate changes for it to work with B9 (Still have to test)
  5. Included blueshift collectors don't work right now. Use the FFT ones or wait for the upcoming update.
  6. @JadeOfMaar, I'm getting this NRE related to a sterling radiator: [KSPCF/DragCubeGeneration] Call to 'Assembly-CSharp:ModuleDeployableRadiator.AssumeDragCubePosition()' failed on part 'strl-rad-lfr-sta01' for drag cube 'RETRACTED' System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ModuleDeployablePart.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) [0x00088] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 at KSPCommunityFixes.Performance.DragCubeGeneration+<RenderDragCubesOnCopy>d__21.MoveNext () [0x005a4] in C:\Users\Got\source\repos\KSPModdingLibs\KSPCommunityFixes\KSPCommunityFixes\Performance\DragCubeGeneration.cs:413 Is this normal? In other news: My recent testing shows I broke something since finishing the dynamic gui stuff. Gotta figure out what change caused this... I need to backtrack on a week's work.
  7. I think wavelength is related to lines 151-168 in UsefulModules.cs. The string wavelengths are converted to a multiplier. Other important bit is 255-267 in BeamedPowerSource.cs Most important section: 284-292 in BeamedReceiver.cs This directly converts the string into a a wavelength
  8. Ok, big update: figured out how to sync receiver being enabled or not to whether antenna/solar panel is extended.
  9. I would love this. I could use MoarKerbals to generate kerbals then recycle them for Snacks.
  10. Is this going to be as configurable as the rest of sandcastle? The thing I like least about EPL is that configuring it is a very weird process.
  11. Excellent. I'll include these in release 1, then I'll use the non-split ones whenever I figure out B9 compatibility.
  12. B9PS is definitely interfering; the system works without it but errors with it. I'd like those split models, thanks.
  13. Oh. I was wondering what those did. I'm going to split the part into a EC receiver and a ThP receiver for now, until I can fix the B9 issues.
  14. @JadeOfMaar, what part of the config you sent controls the model changing between EC and ThP modes?
  15. That was not the issue... Section from a vessel with the beamed power part: This shows that the data is being saved, it just isn't working how I'd expect from the code side. ModuleB9PartSwitch is interfering somehow.
  16. Ok, I think I've diagnosed the issue. I believe the problem is that OutputResource etc aren't persistent, so when the vessel is loaded they don't have their old values. I reached this conclusion from the KML save file parser.
  17. I've joined the discord, but I have an idea for testing the error so I'll try that before asking about.
  18. This is much more frustrating than expected; Universal Resource Transfer doesn't seem to play well with B9: even when I use the Thermal subtype, it is acting as a EC receiver. I'm guessing it's an issue with however B9 saves it's changes to persistent.sfs. If it doesn't actually edit the module in the save file, instead just saving a current subtype field and doing stuff at runtime, it won't be compatible with Universal Resource Transfer. Sadly, I can't really diagnose the issue because B9's code is unintelligible to me. It's a whole different level of complexity. I'm just gonna ask the B9 devs about this.
  19. Hmm, just realised that surface area is specified via diameter, not, well, surface area. I'll need to change that before using your part @JadeOfMaar.
  20. I was going to change the default values and use the ones in subtype 1 in about 10 minutes. The default I used is copied directly from a different part, it hasn't been adjusted. I honestly have no idea of this. The heat code is completely incomprehensible to me. I might look into the heat stuff later, for now I don't want mess with it. I'll implement the config changes you suggested before full release. Oh also, the heat values were copied from the heat values in your provided solar panel config.
  21. @JadeOfMaar, I'm not very familiar with B9PS. I've made this config which I think is correct, could you review it?
  22. An interesting observation: @Aniruddh's original code actually almost fully supports any wavelength. Everything in the code actually uses numerical wavelengths. The only thing it's missing is efficiency falloff based on how different transmitted wavelength is from the design frequency. I think he decided on the current approach so as to never deal with two different frequency parts interacting. I dunno, just found this interesting so I put it here. I concur. Also, I just started learning C# for this project, so that probably plays a part in it.
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