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Infinite Aerospace

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Everything posted by Infinite Aerospace

  1. Simple mod but really quite useful. The sorta thing that wouldn't be out of place as an integral feature of the game.
  2. What's this like? I'm a big lover of 2.5 - 3.7x scale for KSP, think it's the perfect sweet spot of challenge vs. casual.
  3. As per the title, anyone working on anything like FMRS for KSP2. @linuxgurugamer made the original I believe and it is one of those mods that is never mentioned but is incredibly useful. Edit: @SIT89 was the original maker.
  4. Awesome little mod, shall have to download next time I'm on. Keep up the good fight!
  5. I have the same issue as Apollo 13. I am going to do a complete fresh install of the game, will report back.
  6. Are there any planets with an axial tilt in the stock game?
  7. Any clues as to the cause of the parachute bug and any potential fixes in the works? I had that bug last night and reverting to launch didn't help.
  8. By 'modify existing planets' does that include orbital parameters or *just* the attributes of the planet in question. For example, can give Kerbin a tilt? Can I put the Mün on an inclined orbit? Can I make Minmus have a highly eccentric orbit?
  9. Does this allow for editing of orbital parameters or just the parameters of the bodies themselves?
  10. There's a lot of this stuff should be stock to be honest, this, life support, alarm clock. I honestly don't get why it isn't, given how prevalent mods are for the first game.
  11. ...and once again, modders step up-to the plate to add features that *should* be in the game. This will be hugely appreciated by the community sir.
  12. For the record I found and tried the mod in question and even though it's from March (I believe) it still works fine.
  13. So, I love the colour editor however in my opinion there's still a fair bit of improvement in terms of functionality and in terms of quality of life. 1) There needs to be more options to 'lock in' colour combinations, to have a set of presets rather than just the singular 'Agency Colours'. This would be a great addition for anyone who has an overarching theme to their designs. So when a user makes a colour combination they like, they can save it to 'Preset 1' for example. 2) There should be a drop down menu that allows the user to pick various shader types, for example Metallic for example, either that or have preset material types. I don't mind the vibrant 'plastic' look of stock KSP2 but I think it'd be great to cater for those who want to keep a bit more realism to their builds.
  14. @ShadowDev has made and is working on this exact thing 'Tech Tree Manager + Editor'.
  15. I ask myself that about a lot of modded features that were added to KSP1 that made so much sense you'd have thought they'd be part of the stock game in KSP2. Life Support for example.
  16. Can't claim to have used this mod to be honest. I do however find the in-game attempt (I say attempt as I honestly think Intercept will revisit and tweak it) of the node maker / editor a bit hopeless at times. I am assuming this mod allows for very precise changes to the nodes, like fractions of a metre per second as sometimes that's all it takes in mid-course terms to get a perfect Intercept.
  17. You deleted the Kerbal Space Program 2 folder in Steam directory after uninstalling it, as if not all of the old mod data - configurations will still be present
  18. The SAS thing has been present since the earliest versions, it just doesn't seem all that good for rendezvous and docking. That said once within visual range, eyeballing it shouldn't be too difficult, just pack a couple hundred metres per second of ∆ V to account for the extra adjustments.
  19. I'm sure JimKesa will update the mod at some point in the future. There is however a tech tree editor that should allow the parts to be added to the tree, that said I've not really gave the tech node editor much more than a glance at this point.
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