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Infinite Aerospace

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Everything posted by Infinite Aerospace

  1. It does work, but not in Exploration mode as none of the KESA parts are assigned a 'tech tree node'. The parts still work on Sandbox though I believe.
  2. Thanks Safarte! This is a gem of a mod, can't wait to see what it progresses into!
  3. If it makes you feel better to know though, SAS is pretty hopeless when it comes to retrograde, et cetera relative to a target. I've never had them repel one another but I do have that almost all of the time, it's workable mind.
  4. Haven't tried on-orbit docking yet in For Science! but I'm gonna be on later and most of my missions involve rendezvous and docking.
  5. Looking forward to giving the updated version a go with For Science! I'm hopeful it'll finally *feel* like Kerbal Space Program.
  6. This looks like a rather cool little mod. Are all if the planets shrouded until you perform said scans? I really like that idea! You got plans to add missions for it?
  7. I used to recover first stages back on the Xbox Enhanced Edition. I opt to fly quite steep ascent profiles and have a second stage with a higher thrust to weight ratio engine (rather than focusing on pure efficiency). I must admit coming to the PC version was a godsend thanks to FMRS (Apologies but I can never remember the mod developer). Airbrakes do fine, but grid-fins*should* offer much better control authority. The real reason I haven't pursued any kind of rocket landing in KSP2 is due to various bugs, most of which I believe have been fixed at this point.
  8. The grid fins are sweet and work just as advertised, recovering rockets is now a real option (though I do hope there's some incentive to do this in Exploration mode). Plus docking ports can now be targeted, that's a huge bug fix for me personally.
  9. If you've got any mods currently installed, go into BepInEx - Plugins and delete the contents. That sometimes causes said issue and none of the current mods work as far as I'm aware due to new version of Unity being used.
  10. I think we need to dial back on these bad boys a little, there's currently vapour trails coming from vapour trails.
  11. Solid performance improvements, most noticeable in the earlier phases of flight, there is no zero stuttering at engine ignition and launch, the ascent is smooth, transition from atmosphere is silky smooth and the new scatterer effects look great. Did a mission out to the Mun (due to amount of time I had), launched on SLS like rocket, went out to the Mun, went into a low orbit. Went back to Tracking Station and time warped for a significant period of time. Zero orbital decay, jumped right back to orbiter, performed a Mun escape burn and went home. Zero stuttering or loss of performance upon arrival at Kerbin, I used to get some obvious frame rate drops at that point. All in all good patch, and as a fantastic extra we get grid-fins that work and do as advertised, airbrakes which deploy in VAB and do as advertised and the absolute standout for me, being a fiend for modular missions the bug where docking ports aren't targetable is not gone! Thank you to the team, this is a great patch and just when it was needed and it's done wonders for the overall mood of the community.
  12. I think we all are mate. It's great that a lot of the broken trust between community and developer could be restored with For Science! that and Nate's humility at Space Creator Day. Honestly wishing them the absolute best with the roll out of 0.1.5 and 0.2.0.
  13. Yeah he's part of the Intercept team now, and I would expect the results will be equal to or better than his original efforts in KSP1. Keep in mind that KSP2 already rivals heavily modded KSP1 in visual terms, it's quite a lot *better* even in some respects. Especially the terrain.
  14. I fully second this. Nate's open body language and accepting things didn't go according to plan was great to see. He didn't shy away from anything, didn't sugar-coat their failings and said a few things to me that stood out, biggest of all being 'No more wobbly rockets!'. That single statement says we listened to the concerns of our community, and we put something in place to fix it. Let's just all look forward to 'For Science!' and hope there is again a proper discord between developer and customer.
  15. There won't be any 'basic' version of science, it's just getting dropped as one complete article in For Science!
  16. I hope so. I can't think of anyone at all in the community that wants KSP2 to fail. But at a point they've gotta admit their failings and Nate *kinda* held his hands up a bit today, he's always seemed like a guy that likes the game so that's gotta be a good thing.
  17. I think that could well be the case. Like I said it's the first time they've stuck an actual date on something, so they've gotta be at least 'confident' that it's ready to roll out.
  18. You able to provide a little bit of detail as to exactly a 'discoverable' is? We talking like relics, some sort of evidence of events before? That sort of thing?
  19. I've said for a long time that all of this stuff should be scalable. For example, is the reward immediate or does it take time. That should be a parameter, that can be altered depending on difficulty. I can fully appreciate the overarching theme of trying to make the game more accessible but at the same time it needs to be challenging for those of us who've been playing for years.
  20. Yeah that's good to see, it's good to see those complaints were listened to. I honestly think that was just a bit of an oversight on their part.
  21. We've not had a definitive date for any update to date though, this is the first time they (the developers) have committed to a specific timeframe.
  22. Yeah the sound is terrible, that said though it's still easy enough to understand what the person on stage is saying. I'm sincerely hoping this is going to a proper showing off of science, progression, re-entry heating and effects and that those are coming *insert date*.
  23. Hey I'd never want you to be anything other than honest in a review, it shouldn't be upto the end user to 'tinker' with documents to make something work. I sincerely hope you end up in a situation where you can re-evaluate that review.
  24. Today, thanks to altering the physics settings document I managed to fly a space-plane to Kerbin orbit for the first time on this game. I've also been on a few jaunts around Kerbin and I must confess the surface features are a ton better than the first game.
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