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  • About me
    Art guy doing 3D models @ Rendezvous Entertainment
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    Mars currently
  • Interests
    Composing music, Outer Wilds, and modding KSP2

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  1. KSP2 Redux Update But Also Kinda Not (K.R.U.B.A.K.N) ((definitely a usable acronym)) Hey all, NexusHelium here (the editor of the KSP2 Redux trailer)! A lot of people have (rightfully so) noticed that a good chunk of the footage is noticeably lagging. This was due to issues with the editing software, so I decided to make a video with the raw footage showing the real FPS for those various shots. We also wanted to correct an honest mistake that one of our team members made, stating that the footage was not shot in Redux - it was an assumption he made based on the last communication between us, before I recorded these specific clips. All of these shots except for the reentry visuals (which were done as a separate mod prior to becoming part of Redux) are recorded in KSP2 Redux. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNW0zmNv_7I
  2. Wait I wasn't informed about any magic where are you guys getting it I could really use it for part assets.
  3. The words of someone who has gotten more sleep than I have these past few days.
  4. Most clips were recorded in Redux, but one of them, yeah I didn’t have the time or resources to set up the dev build. A lot of this trailer was unfortunately made on a crunch (no actual rush on my part it was essentially completely my decision to decide to release it on the 24th) due to some personal issues that came up
  5. Announcing KSP2 Redux Hello everyone, it's been a little while since you’ve heard from me in the modding scene! As you all know, the development of KSP2 has unceremoniously ended over half a year ago, and we haven't heard much since. In all likelihood, the game is never going to picked up again and its development restarted. All those teased features, all the hard work put into the game by the developers and the modders alike, all the hopes and dreams of the community. Wasted? But that would be such a shame, wouldn't it? Well, we decided to do something about it. Introducing: KSP2 Redux What is Redux? KSP2 Redux is a fan-driven revival of Kerbal Space Program 2, going beyond just a typical mod in order to continue the game’s development where it was left off. The project's ultimate goal is to bring in the long-promised features and milestones that never came to be, and to make KSP2 into the game we all wanted it to become. Yes, that includes colonies, resource management, interstellar travel, multiplayer and a dating sim. That’s still a distant target, though; for now, the priority is nailing down a solid, reliable base for both players and modders.  What will the first release include? The initial release will focus on three main goals: major performance improvements, various bug fixes, and enhanced built-in modding support. Along with Redux, we are working on an all-in-one solution for modders - the SpaceWarp SDK for Unity. There’s also a small surprise in this first release — nothing major, just a little extra something as a teaser of what's to come. When is it coming? The Rendezvous Entertainment team is hard at work finishing up this first release, and we're looking forward to sharing it with you soon. We’re hoping for a 2025 release. And of course more information will be shared on the KSP2 Modding Society Discord and here so stay tuned for further updates! Fly safe, and shoot for the stars! Join us in the KSP2 Modding Society Discord to talks about all things Redux! https://discord.gg/ksp-2-modding-society-1078696971088433153 Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHOAInTu27w
  6. Only what we have. Honestly the trailer not showing off stuff is simply because there's not a lot of the juicy stuff someone would come to expect from a mod to show off in a flashy announcement trailer. That part is completely on me (and my past work experience in marketing haha) Most of it is our under the hood stuff like the performance gains, bug fixes, and modding tools we've implemented thus far. We have stuff I just didn't have the tools or clips at the time to share it in the trailer, but hopefully we can provide a closer look at Redux soon. But I do agree with you. Another main goal is to curb expectations a little bit, and I'm kind of notoriously bad at that over in the team's inner workings. In my opinion however, it would be smart to share with you guys a well written out thing showcasing what we have, and what to expect. That way you both know what Redux is, what it plans to be, and what you'll get starting off. A main personal goal for me and I would imagine a grand majority of the team is to be as transparent as possible when it comes to making this thing.
  7. If by that you mean how long we've been working on it, then a couple months, but if you mean when we plan to make the first release then hopefully sometime within the next few months. We don't want to set a concrete deadline yet until we have something worth releasing that will be received positively, but with how much progress we've made towards that first goal I'd say a 2025 release date is a good estimation. But above all that I highly recommend to everyone to keep expectations low for now until we actually get a solid mod out to you guys. Overhype can cause a lot of problems for both the developers and the fans down the road.
  8. Technically yes, but KSA is not released yet, and KSP2 is the game we noticed first Also that's not really our goal. We're not so much trying to bring back the game so much as we are trying to improve the experience of those that already have it. I personally would still not recommend buying KSP2 and giving money to the owners, but those who have it might as well have a chance to get their money's worth, right?
  9. I would like to say for anyone who may see this that we (we as in the person who made the trailer: me) fully did not represent what Redux actually is or what it will bring (some people thought it was a modpack, were mad they didn't get to actually see the features, etc.) We are now working on a more technical devlog/trailer to actually explain in depth what this project is and what we hope to bring to the game. I would also like to point out from this trailer's clips that some of them unfortunately downgraded in the file transfer that I needed to do, and some clips may be extremely choppy. From what I can remember though, for every clip I recorded, I received roughly 70-90FPS consistently. Hope that clears up some questions!
  10. Humanity's always been endangered. Only difference for me now is it's the only time my friends are getting hurt
  11. that's cause we're making better ones Modding takes a while
  12. Nertea being an all around cool guy as per usual. I don't really play KSP1 anymore (modding KSP2 primarily), but I can always make time to respect all my fellow modders for their work and choices surrounding them.
  13. Granted: No catch to that. It's just really bad I wish to know everything there is to know about the universe. (and yes. that's supposed to say rapid off gassing. which in my world means to explode. fixed )
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