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    actively tweaking (she/her)

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  1. Do you know if/when this is gonna be compatible with parallax continued? I would make a config to update it myself but I don't know how to yet
  2. So I was suddenly hit with the urge to make my own resource system, but I have a problem. Here's what I'm thinking about: Extraplanetary Launchpads, by default, uses rocket parts to make any piece for any vessel. Some mods, such as MKS, change this to require things like material kits and specialized parts. So here's the question: is it possible to configure the resources that each part needs individually? Could I make it so a Reliant would require steel, or a Cupola would require glass, or a probe controller would require computer chips? Has anyone ever done this?
  3. For mine I basically took what I already had and tweaked it. For the texture for Jool, I just used the one that comes with Blackrack's volumetric clouds and hue shifted it using GIMP to be slightly more yellowish. Then while in game I used alt-F11 to pull up the Scatterer menu, and messed around with it until I got something I liked. Again, I made it slightly more yellow, and I also lowered the atmosphere to where it was about 275 kilometers tall. Once you do all that, it looks almost indistinguishable from KSP 2's Jool.
  4. Hey so I'm trying to make a custom resource config for EL and I was wondering if it's possible to make per-part resource configs. Like making it so that a certain engine might take steel, and another might take copper, and a cupola might take glass. Is this something that EL can do?
  5. Kerbol Orbit Icon Have you ever played an interstellar planet pack, and then realized that every star has an orbit icon except for Kerbol? Well you're in luck, because I have just the solution for you! With this simple mod that I made in 20 minutes, you can easily add a clickable icon for the Kerbolar system. Dependencies: Kopernicus and its dependencies. Future Plans: Add configs for more stars! Currently this mod only has a config for the stock Kerbol. I plan to add a config for RSS, and potentially more (suggest your favorite star systems and I might get around to it sometime). Until then, you can easily customize the provided config for whatever star you're playing with. (Instructions Included!) Known Issues: Kerbol's orbit icon isn't actually attached to Kerbol itself, which causes some weird quirks. The actual object it's attached to is a virtual planet that orbits inside Kerbol. This means that the orbit icon claims that its velocity is some ludicrously high number. The information displayed in the "knowledge base" tab is also inaccurate if you have the icon selected rather than Kerbol itself. I don't really know if there's a fix for it, so it may just be a weird quirk that I'll just have to deal with. Download from Google Drive (I'll switch to spacedock once they fix my account lmao) Also, if anyone has any advice for how to make this mod better, please let me know! Licensed under GNU General Public License.
  6. Is it bundled with KSS? I think the problem may have been that I had two instances of it and didn’t realize it.
  7. Hey I have a suggestion for DOE! So the dynamic skybox dimming feature has a setting for maximum sky brightness. But I'm using TUFX to control my camera's exposure. I do want the dimming, but I don't want it to be dynamic. Currently there isn't an option for this in DOE. So I was thinking it would be nice to have the max brightness setting be separate from dynamic dimming, so that you can adjust the brightness without needing it to be dynamic. Alternatively, you could add a minimum brightness setting, which could be used to basically do the same thing.
  8. Is KSS incompatible with Niako's Kopernicus Utilities? Whenever I have both mods in my gamedata I get kopernicus errors. Is there a workaround for this? I use other mods that have Niako's Utilities as a dependency, so I'd rather not have to delete it.
  9. Holy moly i absolutely love Echoes!! It feels like it would fit really well for entering the Kcalbeloh system, or after you enter the wormhole's SOI or something.
  10. I tried to include a couple images to show what I mean, but Imgur wasn't working for some reason so I'll just have to explain. The colors for Parallax terrain are super desaturated and have very low contrast, even when I use a completely black influence map (which in theory should let 100% of the planet's colors through). For example, Duna is a deep red, with very high contrast and saturation. But when I zoom in, it suddenly has almost no color at all. Is there some kind of setting that can add the color back in?
  11. Ooooh yeah, this would be a really neat feature for exoplanets!
  12. So Blackrack's volumetric clouds adds these volcanic plumes on Laythe, and that got me thinking. Is it possible to make functional volcanoes, using a combination of things like EVE and Kopernicus? Adding a glowing surface for lava is easy enough, but how about adding heating effects? I know it's possible to make lava oceans, like in the Kcalbeloh system. But those work based solely on altitude, similar to Jool's killsphere. Is there a way to have a localized heating effect to make the volcano functional? Is there a way to add an audio effect for it as well?
  13. omg that kind of terrain is exactly the kind of thing I want to try making Do you know how to do it with kopernicus? That's the one I'm most familiar with. Also, does it work with other textures as well like normal and color?
  14. Question for anyone who knows more than i do about how Kopernicus works: is there a way to use a texture as a heightmap/normal map to add small-scale details to a planet? This is different from a global map, which covers the entire planet. I'm thinking of a repating, seamless texture you could apply locally, possibly through a global mask, to add huge levels of detail as an alternative to using procedural noise. I'm thinking of a system similar to KSP 2's kerbin, which has heightmaps for creating things like highly detailed mountains in specific places. Is this possible in Kopernicus? Is there an add on for it? Thanks in advance!
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