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    ksp fan
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    Somewhere in Space :D
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  1. I can say that heat shield is very important for your very first EVE mission you don't want to burn all of your engines and stuff also Parachutes are helpful if you want to save on Delta V.
  2. Good Job! Haven't tried it out yet, will soon though!
  3. Nice Job finding these game Versions! Also is it possible to find the 0.0.1 version? I heard it was almost nothing but I'm still curious
  4. Is there a way to put models on a planet? Like giving cordinates and there will be a model there?
  5. I think it would be cool if we revived Lunamultiplayer and some Modders could make support for Lunamultiplayer. Since we only have BDArmory supported in Lunamultiplayer. I hope some Modder can make supported mods for Lunamultiplayer for example: FreeIVA and more! I understand it might be hard so I don't think someones is gonna continue it. I think its a good idea tho!
  6. My Refrences are from the KSP files. In the managed filed and there are the dlls used for KSP that you need to use to make mods. Probarly those refrences are outdated so I need to find another source to find .dll refrences. Anyways I might need to try other ways doing the Mod that I am trying to do. Will take a while, but will be worth it! Could you provide where you get your refrences? - Also yes I'm using IMGU Refrence. And I use Visual Studio 2022 and Unity (my unity is outdated so i have to install new version). Ok last "anyways" now. Thank you for helping me cause I didn't know that you can't use EncodeToPNG until I found the forums very useful here.
  7. Ok, your thing that you gave me before fixed some things. But I have still some problems . Firstly it says that "ImageConversion" isnt avaible in this context (which probarly means i am doing something wrong that i dont know). Seconldy I have "LoadImage" and "SelectImage" underlined where Texture2D is missing so I need help with that (or probarly you cant use it for ksp modding idk). Also could you help me with making a clickable button that opens the gui for my mod. The thing is that I made the Button and Gui but its not showing up when I press the button so if you could help me I would apreacite it! Ty!
  8. Ok, thank you. I will look more into it. Its kinda hard to make a mod but ill figure it out
  9. Could somebody give me or help me making a script that spawns a model on a planet? Thank you
  10. Hello, I was working on a mod for KSP. When I made my script i got 3 underlined words "SelectImage" , "LoadImage" and "EncodeToPNG". Could any modder tell me what assembly extensions I am missing or some other things.
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