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Everything posted by Superawesome4141

  1. Thanks for the response! The main issue I had was trying to figure out how to let mechjeb point me in my maneuver node direction instead of executing it, I've looked in Smart A.S.S but could not find it. But you were indeed correct about Advanced SAS for all disabling itself if it detects mechjeb (@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]]:Final), I've disabled this check so now I can learn about mechjeb in parts rather than needing to learn it in its entirety before I can continue doing my missions.
  2. I've added mechjeb to my own carreer save. Previously to installing mechjeb, I was able to use all the SAS assists (Target, node, ext) on my probes, after installing mechjeb I am unable to use these more advanced options on these probe boddies. Even if I was able to use them previously on this save. I have the required Building upgrades to be able to do advanced SAS and have unlocked some of the mechjeb modules. I also have another mod active (Advanced SAS for all) wich would allow me to have advanced SAS on all probe boddies and control points but this seems to be overwritten by whatever mechjeb is overriding. Since I am new to using mechjeb I was only using it for some of its features, it might be possible that I've missed something that would prompt me being unable to use normal SAS (Note, I am still able to use the simple stability assist and prograde+retrograde on these probes using the SAS function, but I would like to be able to use the other features as well untill I learn more about mechjeb). Is it normal that those SAS options have disappeared? Is it perhaps possible because I've added the mod to an already existing save that mechjeb doesn't recognise the building upgrades wich unlock advanced SAS and returned/overrides the "Advanced SAS for all" mod?
  3. Hi, I downloaded SCON from CKAN and it doesn't seem to be doing anything, I don't get the UI option on docking ports or labs to start production of a craft. And the icon from the mod also doesn't appear on the toolbar. It's like if it isn't installed at all. Do I need other mods other than SCON for it to work? It didn't prompt me to download anything else as a requirement (except for B9 partswitch)
  4. Hi, after some years, I've returned to the game for some good old carreer fun, I've been trying to complete the "Let's start an airline" mission for the KSC, however I cannot seem to complete the contract, it doesn't want to recognize that I've landed at the KSC, so I can't complete the next steps either (taxi to the terminal, stop your aircraft, wait for ramp), is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
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