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  1. // Patches for CTT Tech tree nodes @PART[BussardFusion]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = quantumReactions } @PART[EpsteinDrive]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = quantumReactions } @PART[EpsteinDriveV4]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = quantumReactions } @PART[DaedalusDrive]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = quantumReactions } oh cool just put this into onfig file and if you have ctt it work
  2. ive actually decided to move them to high density fusion reactions to be more in line with FFT balancing, same link still works
  3. nevermind that took like 3 minutes, heres the patch if anyone wants it https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/am80wrwcsk22ygn3cw0u7/MEVCTT.cfg?rlkey=i23t5clpi07d33p17l51lg61v&st=v02ebmzl&dl=0 It moves the engines from nuclear propulsion to fusion rockets node in CTT
  4. could you make a ctt patch to move these later in the tech tree around when you unlock other advanced fusion drives(like with far future)?
  5. okay so the problem is i already have all that so i just removed realfuels and reconfigured the entire chinese rocket mod its working fine now
  6. i have now tested it and although the DV may be a little high on some vehicles which this confi it is now properly balanced for 2.5-3.2x systems lt me know if it needs updates or fixes
  7. is there any way to add cube, hexagonal, and octagonal probe shapes to this?
  8. I've readjusted the mass values of the fuel tanks to be aligned better with the stock game, haven't test it yet but it should be good. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bbz8gulwza4rmkvz842ft/KIUweight_adj_readj.cfg?rlkey=3zbdzyfcibqcgghdw61usgkg9&st=nqhwtirn&dl=0 It uses the same fuel mass to tank mass ratio as the stock game so it should be well balanced now, also include all tanks in the mod.
  9. i dont see why this is balanced for a 1x scale system, even the stock parts are balanced for about 2.5x
  10. there any way to get this to work with real fuels? currently at least the cryogenic second stages doesnt seem to have the configured module to allow it to work with real fuels so it cant actually store the right fuels for the engines
  11. very cool mod, but by default the fuel tanks have very strange values where they will have incredibly high dry mass:wet mass ratio
  12. based bacteriophage pfp

  13. this mod seems OP until you realize its literally just giving you KSC science and its actually the base game thats broken
  14. you can use the interstage nodes on fairings to use them like engine plates or interstages
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