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Everything posted by RedAl1en1

  1. I create an entire star sized fleet and destroy the great machines, then i force a partnership on @Mr. Kerbin OUR HILL
  2. i sell propane and propane accessories hill
  3. turbo mode engaged waiter can i have the bug soup
  4. i want legos, ksp2 to come out (which we all know is not gonna happen), and time with my family
  5. juno is larger then kerbol, and therefore swallows it. @Iapetus7342 Wins! Rock-Paper-Scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  6. I for one, am listening to the subnautica soundtrack.
  7. gets rotten egg smell Inserts pumpkin pie
  8. calling 911 because one punch man is angry at me (in the background."君はすでに死んでいる!")
  9. excuse me matt, can you share the craft file of the mun arch base?

  10. kimerindustries: someone who has their computer in storage
  11. i am on windows 11 and i have no problem. Maybe try uninstalling the mods and ksp then reinstall them?
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