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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. I think tyrant is like 8 Kerbin masses. Maybe make it really low density? (Low geeASL)
  2. That it does. In the right conditions, a earth mass planet can become a gas giant. I don’t know what odd conditions could cause that. Fun idea, though.
  3. We knock the moon out of orbit on to earth. There is no longer life as we know it here. Chaos ensues.
  4. Hi. Maybe… @TwoCalories? Haven’t seen you in a while.
  5. wut no that was because you didn't implement that sun-bugfix thing from sushut's tutorial maybe you're thinking about Kerbol Origins?
  6. Is it just me or.... does this sound really familiar? Sarkin-GP2 Asteroid belt? Dres Belt. Gas giant? Lots of moons? (5, and Tyrant has 2 so 7 in total) Pluto like? Plad and Chau. Close planet? Rage in Close Encounters. Something beyond? Elross, the eighth planet, and Dakota. But hey, if it still doesn't sound right, I'm happy to help. Personally, something I'd like to mention is make it look really good in stock, mods like Silan are great with EVE, but are lacking in stock. The second hardest part is make the gas giant texture.(For me) The hard part is the config the first time. Because, sometimes, really odd side effects occur, even if you follow every thing perfectly. Example
  7. Update 1.4.2 "Flyswatter" Fixed Kotta and added SpaceDust compatibility, thanks to @FTLparachute -Moved out Aron slightly.
  8. Say that one more time. ONE MORE TIME. (joke) Seriously, nice job!
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