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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. Well, the poll is over. It seems you would like another giant gas planet. Moons planned are : Io analog, Iapetus analog, and maybe Titan analog? (who said analog moons have to be around their analog planets?) Titan analog might go to Sarkin though.
  2. Rage has been re-released in Beyond Jool-Close Encounters. Now it got a revamp, and lava oceans!
  3. Version 0.7.3. is out now! I have removed Rage and given the option to make Eeloo a moon of Sarkin (revamp soon. maybe.) Read OP for info on that.
  4. Bro, stop fanboying about Starship when it can’t even lift payload in Mk 1 version.
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