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Eclipse 32

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Everything posted by Eclipse 32

  1. question about Lathe: do the oceans have a bottom? i got to the point where the seafloor is normally, but there wasn't anything.
  2. i'm more thinking "kerbal hiking team stuck in bad weather on mountain" type rescues.
  3. anyone know of a good CKAN rescue contract mod?
  4. my rescue craft decided to start breakdancing. lolwut? ima go drop it into jool apparently, i broke ike. all the big red rocks are now black.
  5. I've got three planets (two stock, one modded) all with their SOIs touching, I'm pretty sure Jool, Eeloo, and a modded planet named Ariane.
  6. apparently, i touched the ground too hard, and my ship de-atomized. EDIT: sooo it appears that every part of the ship survived, except the cupola that was serving as the cockpit. *anger* EDIT 2: it's decided to take up breakdancing as a career now. lolwut?
  7. i could use that, or i could brute force it by dumping buckets of relays in orbit. i have ADHD, so i prefer the second option.
  8. i'm putting so many comm relays around duna it'll be hazardous to take off or land XD and sure, a number of them have been shot out of Duna by ike, but meh.
  9. i'm warping to a duna transfer, and my base on duna decided to go be landed while orbiting a random point outside of Ike's orbit. KSP is weird. i'm not trying to land things on other things, i just want something better than MJs aircraft autopilot. looking at the base for longer, it appears to be shimmying around duna. what?
  10. i was attempting to launch a duna relay network, when the rocket spontaneously combusted. now i have relays scattered about the KSC. somehow managed to land one on top of R&D does anyone know of a mod that adds aircraft autopilot(like holding patterns, waypoints, ect) that has CKAN support? i was going to do BDA but my CKAN is being tetchy and not letting me install mods that have craft(that i have downloaded before). i'm attempting to troubleshoot, but no dice yet.
  11. i flew a jet plane to space. then bailed Val at 2.5 Km and ~700 m/s to avoid crashing into the ocean.
  12. i just launched an unholy number of relay sats for a jool mission.
  13. i started a new save. the third unidentified object was class I. two class I objects, about ten minutes into the save.
  14. well shoot. i can't get imgur to work, so back to the drawing board, i guess. *sigh*
  15. looking for an anomaly: hello? hello? hello? hello?
  16. @Duke MelTdoWn, i found the memorial(Google to the rescue!), and the Mun rematerialized after a bit. it's happened on other planets too, so i will be screwing around in TUFX in a bit here. Agavin's coming home!
  17. my Mun has transformed into an abiss. i have ambient light boost maxed and it's still pitch black.
  18. need the cords for the Armstrong memorial! my kerb has been stuck in this capsule since eeloo, and wants to get this last landing done so she can go home!
  19. just lost a kerb. stupid ground. can't even afford to give them a grave, since Lathe just went into shadow, and i needed to get to the next stop. now i need to get the survivor out of the way of the Terraformers(installing a Lathe enhancement mod)
  20. geeze, once you get to the outer system, grand tours take forever. the jool transfer took longer than the rest of the mission before it combined.
  21. images from Ike what you can't see in the last image is the ship sliding away at around 1 m/s.
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