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Everything posted by Kevin_kerman

  1. I will get better screenshots soon, including the Vessel in that screenshot
  2. I might release once I finish the Poly system, hopefully in a few weeks if not next week its not completely finished yet, I need to revamp some gas giant textures and some rings
  3. https://imgur.com/a/kargatua-poly-centuri-rv7iuRY for screen shot of melvin
  4. I wanted to see how hard it is to get there without the alt-f12 menu, but yeah that's a good idea
  5. I am making a intergalactic space craft to take some real cool screenshots
  6. Have you ever thought about using the 7.5 meter cargo bays from near future launch vehicles for like a superheavy SSTO?
  7. ok thanks that would help a lot, I am rewriting the code for it but any help would be amazing, it happened after I changed coding software. thanks
  8. Hello everyone, I am kinda new to the forums and modding and am currently working a a planet pack. The mod
  9. how do you come up with all of the space plane designs? I really like them, awesome content by the way.
  10. 0.5.0 Kargatua: Poly Centuri for more info, screenshots, and dev news, please click here Screenshots! If anyone wants to help with science Def's, I am open stuff to look for in the next updates (0.5 and 1.0) Planned futures, planned parts Dependencies (So Far) Kopernicus Singularity kopernicus expansion (for the wormholes) Module manager What I am working on Features that will be in the next few updates (guaranteed) Download here thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for space dock https://spacedock.info/mod/3770/Kargatua: Poly Centauri GitHub https://github.com/Kevin-kerman/Poly-Centuri-System Planed planets I am relatively new to modding, so this probably won't be the best Kargatua extras and Current Features Q&A Thanks to @Sushut for YouTube tutorials thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for Help with troubleshooting and Flars texture thanks to @SQUAD for reasons that I hope doesn't need explaining thanks to @blackrack for the amazing mod singularity, without that mod I could not play with black holes. thanks to @Vabien for maintaining Kopernicus Expansions. thanks to @R-T-B for maintaining Kopernicus. And thanks to @Blurgert for playtesting
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