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Everything posted by mushroomman

  1. I did it! I found the magic boulder! Heh heh heh
  2. I'm actually amazed at how not-wobbly these rockets are. Even if I did go a little overboard on the strutting Edit - is there any way to make fearing decoupling a little less messy?
  3. If you wish to use it to push the rover up the wall without any means of holding it, then I would say no (maybe I should specify that in the rules) but otherwise it's fine.
  4. After watching that wonderful Constellation Mission video, I was messing around with rover grappling hooks with KAS and with this fancy new space centre FULL of nice, flat walls, I couldn't help myself! I just had to stick these rovers onto walls. The rules here are quite simple: Build a rover that can climb walls somehowKAS is probably required, though if you could do this with stock parts I would be amazedThis is a challenge of building skill, so any parts and mods are allowedFlying the rover up a wall is not climbing You're rover will be scored on the completion of these categories: Your rover can effectively aim the hookYour rover can easily descend wallsYour rover drives well off wallsYour rover can climb a variate of surfaces (including odd, uneven surfaces such as the astronaut complex)Your rover can move from walls onto roofsYour rover can rappel from roofs downYour rover can fire multiple lines and (or by some other means) climb extra highYour rover can climb on top of overhangs (such as onto the top of the control tower)Your rover is easy to transportYour rover can climb to the top of the Mun archclimbing the mun arch should be considered as "pix or it didn't happen" Entries should be submitted like this: Image of roverSeries of images and/or description of how it worksWhat scoring items are completedtotal score Here's my terrible submission as an example: Leaderboard: 1. 2. 3. Honourable Mentions:
  5. It's not the .18 version. It's actually for .20 but URLs are stupid sometimes. I'll have to try it out though, but I've noticed that mods that calculate phase angles for the most part aren't working.
  6. Yes. These new craters are great. Though Jerdan Kerman might disagree.
  7. Now I just need my mods to update
  8. Now that Steam Gauges has that maneuver node thing, I've decided to do most things in IVA view. And I thought this looked pretty.
  9. Yeah. That's one of my favourite movies. I still listen to the soundtrack while I play KSP
  10. Yes! I will love you forever in a non creepy way.
  11. Oh god! It's worse than I thought! My Gemini-Titan has 4 engines on the bottom instead of 2! My whole life has been a lie. Though these model changes could have been made so that they would stand up better and the creators figured that no one would notice...
  12. A little off-topic, but I just noticed that my model of a mercury-atlas that I got from Florida 13 years ago has 3 engines on that stage-and-a-half thing. Is this just a terrible model error or is someone not telling me something?
  13. I started playing around 0.8, but once the paid versions came out I kind of stopped playing for some reason. Then I remembered that this game exists and is awesome, and I bought it around 0.18. It was some crazy culture shock.
  14. Thanks. It seems to have worked just fine. So I've been trying to build a mini electric helicopter and it seems to work pretty well, but it's not great. And advice on how to make it better? It doesn't handle very well at high speed mostly. Note, I have made the tail longer since these pictures.
  15. If I scaled some of the parts down (mostly the electric helicopter blades) would it cause any unwanted complications?
  16. A career mode, maybe even interstellar travel of some kind. And of course about 96 duodecillion other smaller things.
  17. You have no idea how much of a complement that is to me. I appreciate it! Anyway, to avoid being too much off topic, here's a picture. It turns out that trying to remove debris by crashing them into minimus doesn't really work.
  18. The Ford Trimotor has the wings coming out of the top of the fuselage. That is a JU-52
  19. Well this is how I did it last time. It's terribly unreliable, but that's why you bring two rovers! And there's no need to re-attach them for balance if you do it apollo style.
  20. I'm pretty sure it's a JU-52. Either way, it's VERY awesome.
  21. Is there any way to set this to the Lazor System GUI? I liked that look and I miss it.
  22. There is. It's right next to the reputation button, next to "Blog this Post"
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