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Everything posted by Corovaneer

  1. I have a question and maybe a mod idea. What is the point of stock narrow band scanner (the hexagonal thing) if it does not work on a planet without prior sweep by the big M700 scanner? 1) What sense does it make mechanics-wise? It's a scanner or it isn't? 2) What's the point of bringing one at all, if you already have the data from M700, and can see ore-rich areas? If you oh so wish to win few hours over few days of mining by moving to especially rich vein - there's surface detector for that. Won't it be a better idea to have two scanners different in mass and size, with different capabilities? Trading smaller size for data limited to area directly below your ship, compared to instant whole-planet scan by the big bulky polar scanner?
  2. Navball docking alignment indicator, made by mic_e and maintained by Leeman ! It is minimalistic, intuitive, and fits KSP design seamlessly. The only downside it has is that it can make docking way too easy for newbies.
  3. I might have been using "Hotfix2" from github page. Just now I used the 1.0.1 the spam went away, and the docking reticle also actually appeared. So whatever was the error it was in the difference, I guess! Thanks for maintenance again!
  4. Win8, 1.1 build 1230, with a bunch of recent mods. One that changes interface near navball is BetterBurnTime. The rest are toolbar-based, usual stuff. 25.04.2016 17:06 <DIR> 000_Toolbar 25.04.2016 18:30 <DIR> 000_USITools 25.04.2016 22:11 <DIR> AtmosphereAutopilot 25.04.2016 17:13 <DIR> BetterBurnTime 25.04.2016 17:52 <DIR> Chatterer 25.04.2016 18:50 <DIR> CommunityResourcePack 25.04.2016 17:25 <DIR> ContractConfigurator 25.04.2016 18:49 <DIR> ContractPacks 25.04.2016 18:48 <DIR> Diazo 25.04.2016 23:55 <DIR> DistantObject 25.04.2016 18:57 <DIR> Firespitter 25.04.2016 21:55 <DIR> KAS 25.04.2016 21:57 <DIR> KerbalEngineer 25.04.2016 18:44 <DIR> KerbalHacks 25.04.2016 17:01 <DIR> KerbalJointReinforcement 25.04.2016 17:28 <DIR> KerbalSports 25.04.2016 17:29 <DIR> Kerbaltek 25.04.2016 21:55 <DIR> KIS 25.04.2016 21:54 15 360 MagiCore.dll 16.04.2016 19:49 <DIR> MagicSmokeIndustries 25.04.2016 18:48 <DIR> MechJeb2 25.04.2016 18:48 <DIR> Mk1CargoBay 25.04.2016 16:55 62 464 ModuleManager.2.6.23.dll 25.04.2016 17:20 <DIR> NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator 25.04.2016 21:54 <DIR> Nereid 25.04.2016 18:44 <DIR> PlanetShine 25.04.2016 17:07 <DIR> ProceduralFairings 25.04.2016 17:18 <DIR> RcsSounds 25.04.2016 17:15 <DIR> RealPlume 25.04.2016 17:15 <DIR> RealPlume-Stock 25.04.2016 17:18 <DIR> SCANsat 25.04.2016 17:09 <DIR> scatterer 25.04.2016 17:23 <DIR> SDHI 25.04.2016 21:57 <DIR> SensibleScreenshot 25.04.2016 17:15 <DIR> SmokeScreen 25.04.2016 16:51 <DIR> Squad 25.04.2016 18:40 <DIR> SurfaceLights 25.04.2016 18:43 <DIR> SXT 25.04.2016 16:55 <DIR> TakeCommand 25.04.2016 17:14 <DIR> ThrottleControlledAvionics 25.04.2016 18:30 <DIR> UmbraSpaceIndustries 25.04.2016 17:20 <DIR> WaypointManager 25.04.2016 17:18 <DIR> WheelSounds
  5. Beautiful mod! Now I have valid reasons why to go to Laythe! I'm sure supply replenishment in life support mods was already suggested, but I think it would benefit even more from one thing kerbals do best - facial expressions!
  6. Thanks Leeman, I'm glad this mod is maintained! It really should be stock by now Haven't tested the main capacity yet, but I've noticed a spam in ksp.log:
  7. Is it normal that no supply resource is listed in the craft on launchpad, then? Edited: For some reason supply resource is missing from all parts, and whenever I take off Kerbin the timer starts with "-" in front. Could be a conflict.
  8. 1.1 build 1230, Windows 8, 32-bit version, non-steam, clean install. Landing struts LT-1 and LT-2 are sinking into terrain and meshes, while LT-05 performs normally. While raising or lowering LT-2 the pads initially get the grip on surface, but immediately after full extension pads fall through the surface.
  9. This mod is too good to give up on. Hope new interface won't require a complete rewrite.
  10. I agree. It may be recent too - this bug started for me only with fresh install few weeks ago, and it happens only on OpenGL - but did not happen few months ago when I used OpenGL. Both times I used 1.0.5, and I have nvidia card.
  11. Good to know. It may indeed be the case, I remember problem occurring mostly when in physics range with a tracked vehicle.
  12. This ticket might need to be reopened - I have the exact same problem, and I tried altering my mod list a bit to root it out. At first I thought it was caused by vesselmover addon or FAR, and removing both indeed helped - but several game launches later the problem came back. I get it about once in every 4 or 5 launches of game, without adding or deleting mods. So the problem is not really "solved", it just goes away sometimes. modlist is as follows: Toolbar BDArmory Bloody_looser (jet turbines) DistantObject Firespitter (dll only) KAX KerbalEngineer KerbalFoundries KerbalJointReinforcement MagicSmokeIndustries NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator PortraitStats ProceduralFairings RcsSounds SensibleScreenshot SXT TakeCommand TweakScale WheelSounds 32bit, latest build, using forced opengl mostly.
  13. I get no rendering of ships that are on the ground beyond 8,5-10km range, for some reason.
  14. 1.0.5 here. Loads ok, everything pretty much as expected, except cloud shadows - for some reason they look nasty on water surface, with a lot of clipping. Is there a way to disable them? I also remember there was a menu for tweaking (Alt-N?), but I can't access it anymore. Same flicker glitch is present inside SPH, which is odd.
  15. For some reason, squad_tweakscale.cfg is missing Mk2 parts, or so it seems to me.
  16. Radar looks awesome!! Btw, I'm sure this was asked before - so there are turrets. There's Bahamuto's searchlight as well. So pointing a vector at a mouse location shouldn't be too much of a problem. Then there are cameras. Is it possible to mount a camera in a same manner as a cannon or a searchlight, and then control its direction with mouse? Same spot will be targeted by guns, which makes.. a scope! Even mousewheel magnification and a reticle overlay should not be too hard to do, unless there are specific conflicts in attaching a camera to a turret. So maybe this was done already?
  17. I tried modifying parts to make .50 cal guns and ammo available at the start of the career, but changing required tech in part .cfg did nothing, surprisingly. Are there some dependencies I'm unaware of? Does it get edited with 5dim contract pack?
  18. I tested the new version - there may have been an improvement, but I had one crash on pressing F1 still. But the time in game definitely extended, even though I added few more mods.
  19. KSP freezes and crashes upon pressing F1 (once, not a quick succession) after some time in the game. I've become careful with F1 lately. Taken a typical mission to Mun with 6 or 7 screenshots, the one on Kerbin reentry might crash it - so, between one and two hours in game. Screenshot which causes crash is generated, named and converted to .jpg. KSP-format crash dumps (dated folder) are not generated. I am using stock screenshot supersampling 2. OS is Win8 with 8gb ram, KSP is 32bit 1.04 non-steam, resolution is 1920x1080 fullscreen. Taking screenshots without mod does not cause problems. Modlist is here http://pastebin.com/uz8QbqK4 My guess is a spike in RAM consumption, or something related to RAM. However I am surprised that a single mod dedicated to screenshots can cause a RAM spike big enough, compared to all the mods that are already installed.
  20. Sensible screenshot reliably crashes my game after an hour or so of use.
  21. I'm eager to try this mod but I'm really apprehensive of any tech tree changes or changes to part cost. Simpler approach of just "destroy this thing over there" would be very nice, I'd download in a heartbeat. I'm also wary of rewards that are too generous, like it was mentioned few posts above.
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