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Everything posted by OdinYggd

  1. So far I have yet to find a good value for Ki that does not result in chronic overshooting and loss of heading. I'll continue experimenting and let you guys know if I find anything worthwhile. The problem with having a Ki parameter is KSP craft tend to suffer from Integral Windup, leading to further overcorrection and loss of position. If they do need a Ki value, it will have to be very small. Only way that we'll really be able to reliably do anything about integral windup is to have the PID behavior modified so that the integral factor is only applied when the steering error is very low.
  2. Mechjeb 2 has a tunable PID using the attitude adjustment feature. What I've found is you need to vary Kp as your ship's tonnage changes, for instance a Kp of 10 at 30 tons while a Kp of 100 is better at 5 tons. Ki remains 0, setting it to anything else encourages overshooting due to integral windup. Kd should be about 0.08 that of Kp. When tuned well you end up with a ship that is wobble-free, but has good steering response. It will use the RCS when it has to without twitching back and forth wasting it while idle. I'm currently working on an equation to relate tonnage to Kp which can be used as a guideline, however a compensation for control authority will be required in this equation to get good results.
  3. Strictly speaking there are no cheats codes in KSP. Alt+F12 will bring up the debug menu yes, allowing shortcuts like infinite fuel and infinite RCS. The other way to mess with KSP is modding. There's mods to just about everything people have figured out how to implement in KSP, and all of the parts are defined by plain text config files- you can customize them further. For instance if you want a really strong engine, make a copy of a stock one's parts folder and edit its config file to give it 10x the normal thrust. Stuff like that is really easy to do if you just want to mess around instead of flying for real.
  4. This happens all the time. Especially when an angry mob figures out how to get their way.
  5. Granted. To make it work you feel it double yourself. I wish people would go play.
  6. And thus, all good stories end. Shame this one ended too soon.
  7. Treat the mun as an object in a formation. If your satellite exactly matches the Mun's orbit, but is a few degrees ahead of it or behind it, the mun won't capture it for a long time. Eventually though enough position error will accumulate that it will be captured by the mun, and either flung back at Kerbin or out into the sun. I've put remotetech relays in position this way a few times, relaying from Kerbin to an array around the mun itself.
  8. There isn't an autopilot in the manner you're probably thinking, at least not as part of the stock game. If your ship has an ASAS on board you can set it to maintain a heading, but that is about the extent of what it can do. The default hotkey for this is T, and should make the SAS indicator on the navball turn white. Most likely you're looking for the kind of functionality that comes from MechJeb, which adds a great deal of intelligence to the ship's automation and is capable of guiding the ship through common tasks with only minimal input from you. It's a great learning tool in this regard, because you can learn how to do it manually by watching how mechjeb does it.
  9. Thats why I am aiming for minimus, in the hopes of coming across both a Kethane and an Ore patch less than 2km apart. I land the launch pad on the ore platform, follow up by landing a smelter module, and then it is able to build its own pipeline-rovers over to the Kethane deposit. Testing this concept by spawning pipeline modules packaged as rovers, the shape of the default pad is problematic. Several modules got hung up on the sharp edge, and my initial test of a tankage module resulted in the module abruptly rolling over. I'll probably continue to lay the pad directly on the ground, even though it doesn't necessarily have to be. It's just easier from a stability standpoint, since parts attached to the arms of it do not move with it when it unfolds.
  10. There are plenty of other sites welcoming the discussion of conspiracy theories. On KSP forums, discussion of them is against the rules. Locked.
  11. Chrome and Opera are way too new for it, at least with Windows 98 or 2000 on it. Although if you converted it to Windows XP you could at least use a fairly current browser with it and do online web stuff. Not surprising that it doesnt' hold a charge, my 2 year old ASUS laptop cant' do that either. To be expected of a well worn battery pack. The wireless thing is odd though. Although that machine is old enough that it might not have a wireless card builtin, if it does it should be an old school 802.11B, which is still compatible with a lot of equipment. Just if you are trying to use that with a newer model N-capable router, the newer gear is phasing out support for the B type equipment and won't let it connect.
  12. I wouldn't put any money into it until you've at least run the KSP demo on it. That's a really old system from the little bit I can find on it, utilizing PC133 RAM. It's likely on order of 10 or more years old, and doesn't stand a chance at having the computing power needed for KSP to work. Also if I am not mistaken, does it not have Windows 98 on it? The icon on the start menu kinda gives away its age.
  13. I'm noticing this too, having one in orbit of Minimus right now using a Skycrane approach to attempt to drop it upright in place. It seems really unweildly in the air, despite having two 2 meter probecores on top to try and steer it. Anyone here succeeded in deploying one? I'm curious if it really has to lay directly on the ground- which it seems like it would need to for stability reasons since when it unfolds objects attached to the fins don't move with it. Once I finally get it odwn though I'll basically make a pipeline to attach it to processing equipment nearby, that way it is supplied with ore and kethane at all times.
  14. Sounds like a day's work for me, only they probably don't have the flexibility in their choice of toolboxes and they don't have the luxury of going to the local hardware store to pick up a few extra bolts and belts. Good to know that I've got comrades in space.
  15. Orbital Construction became non-functional with the release of KSP 0.17, as the anti-Kraken measures implemented at the time catastrophically broke the transporting mechanism it was using to move vessels. At the time I had tried to repair it without sucess, and the original author has since dissappeared. There will be no conflicts, as this plugin is designed for a much newer version than that was ever functional for. I am actually glad to see this working, as i had originally gotten into Orbital Construction precisely because I wanted this kind of capability. Currently putting a Kethane probe in Minimus orbit to scan overnight, tomorrow I'll build an actual base with a launch pad and kethane processing equipment.
  16. Original 0.13 demo could load custom made parts, but not plugins- the plugin system wasn't created till 0.14.
  17. Just hit level 7 overall and level 4 germany last night.
  18. Fascinating. Using I think it was around a thousand of the biggest nukes offered, I had a vessel that went from the launch pad to a velocity of 575km/s at 100km over the sun. Alas using this at all makes my system very laggy, and it has a rather large disadvantage in that it is such a huge solution. But as soon as I come up with a reliable method to work around the phenomenal mass of the thing, I'll probably start building KSP-style torchships around this powerplant.
  19. Granted. Just when I finally am putting the final touches on restoring it, somebody invents Time travel and inflicts irrepairable damage to the space-time continnum. I wish I could fly.
  20. *blows whistle* Banned! Banned! This thread is now under lockdown!
  21. Granted. It instead gets picked up by a bowling machine, where it promptly gets removed and sent down the chute back to the bowlers. Of course this makes a huge mess of the equipment, and everyone gets mad cause the bowling alley has to shut down for cleanup. I wish I could afford to go bowling today.
  22. You've got talent for CG work. Creating content to share on youtube will later double as a portfolio to help you get a job with a studio, transforming a hobby into a very profitable and successful career. Pitch it to your parents like that- that to get a job in a CG studio you need a portfolio of stuff you've made, and a project like this would be a great showcase for it.
  23. This is still suggesting some type of multiplayer, even though as somebody else demonstrates there have been tons of other threads about it. At this point pretty much every common take on the idea has been discussed to death. There isn't a whole lot of wiggle room. Not only that, but should multilayer come into existence it will first appear as a plugin. Stock multiplayer is not going to be added any time soon, the current development roadmap just plain has no room for it. You also have a rather ambitious set of requirements and extra features that would have to be implemented to make this work the way you envision it. I daresay it is the most complex multiplayer suggestion to date.
  24. Granted. It's also slightly radioactive, and completely unsafe to drink out of. I wish I didn't have to work.
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