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Everything posted by OdinYggd

  1. There was a thread for this not too long ago, but I think it got lost. Been playing it on and off for a few months now. Most used plane is the H6K4.
  2. It's really a design flaw on the part of the rover. Because you only had a single battery- that of the probe core, turning it off resulted in complete loss of electrical power. Best practice is to use at least two batteries at all times, even if they are tiny ones it ensures that you won't have this happen. The only real KSP feature I could suggest related to this issue is making it so that if the vessel is uncontrollable, all attached batteries are automatically enabled in an attempt to get power to a control device.
  3. Granted. The firing mechanism ha been welded solid, so you cannot actually fire it. I wish I had a rocket.
  4. Repair it and provide it with fuel, and after taking pictures and getting a phone number and coordinate to point a comsat at send him on his way. Probably toss a few books on engineering and maintenance aboard as well so that the kerbals develop improved methods of shipbuilding and inflight repair.
  5. Banned because even modgods can't handle jedimods.
  6. Action groups are the way to go here, that way you can not only assign a hotkey to your solar panels, but you can also deploy panels in groups based on different vehicle configurations. Typically my solar panels are deployed via action group 9, after using action group 0 to disable all engines so as not to break them.
  7. Whoops. My hand slipped and hit that button.
  8. An official notice was given without any punishments being issued, people were asked politely to stop roleplaying. As long as people calmly accept that no punishments are given in these cases, and it is just one of those things that happens from time to time. At the same time, this same scenario has played out enough that it does need to be added to the official rulings. I'll see if I can make that happen. If you guys can get back to the topic of making the Krag's Pub mod with no issues, this thread can indeed remain open for that purpose. But we are rather off topic here.
  9. I wonder how this thread got overlooked. It falls under the "More Parts" category of what not to suggest and will be closed. Mods exist to add several types of reactor to the game, and at an unknown date when resources are added we might see some stock reactors added along with improvements to the nerva. The full list of ideas that either are suggested all the time, confirmed to be coming soon, or will not be added can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36863-What-not-to-suggest
  10. No, we are in fact quite serious about this. In fact here's what is left of the KSP Roleplay site: http://play.kerbalroleplay.com/ The roleplaying context in this thread is off topic relative to the thread's intention of developing a game mod. Although there's no reason why a game mod can't have a story behind it, writing such a story as a roleplay should be done on a site better suited to that kind of creative work as it has proven to cause problems here. Although more recent postings are giving the impression that the project has been cancelled, in which case it is best if this thread be simply let rest.
  11. Good to see you around Scott. And yeah, probably best to not irritate the neighbors any more than necessary. At this time, although he is popular, he still isn't someone significant in the right areas to really fit in an encyclopedia-like environment like Wikipedia. I'm not entirely surprised that it was quickly deleted. And definitely, if people have the time to perform editing that meets Wikipedia's guidelines, please do see to it that KSP is given a lasting record on its page, and a memorable impression so that even when the game is too old for our computers to still play nobody here forgets what it was and how much fun we had playing it. I know when that day comes I'll probably save the last machine I have that can still run it, just so that 20 years later I can make Jeb scream as I light all of the boosters at once.
  12. Alpha stage means that the game is still far from complete and may experience game-breaking changes or general brokenness at any time in the development process. They are still trying to implement all of the major features and may have to redo older ones to make new ones fit. Although the two stage testing process for each update does yield updates that more often than not have fewer bugs than a lot of mainstream titles, they do still exist. The bottlenecks caused by Unity have been a real sticking point for a long time now. Because of Unity limitations, KSP is incapable of using more then 1.5 threads and 4GB of RAM unless you are using the 64-bit Linux only binary that removes the RAM limit. Nearly any system will stutter as a result. Unfortunately it is also upstream restrictions, as there is no 64-bit Unity for Windows/Mac and support for more than 1.5 threads is taking a long time for them to implement.
  13. Alright, made that change. For now it is on the pad and runway directly. At the same time I solved a nagging problem- the fact that the runway is nigh impossible to attach anything to when laying directly on the ground, and as such is impossible to control. Adding the command pod module to it along with a 5 unit battery and an RTG should solve that, allowing debug-mode use of just the EPL hardware without anything attached. Outside of debug mode it makes sure that under no circumstances will the game treat it as debris, regardless of what falls off.
  14. I see. This module would make more sense to be included in the smelter though. In real life old hardware is cast back into the fires from which it came and re-smelted back into new material, so your old hardware would be recycled to either metal or ore and then processed again that way instead of directly.
  15. Haven't tried using my EPL pad yet, but I am using the EPL runway in debug mode to deploy modules for building a base out of the EPL pad. Here's what I have so far: http://i.imgur.com/fhENEp1.jpg The little ship laying on the ground is one of the main pad landing assemblies, two of them were used to lower the pad onto level ground on minimus. Had to remove one to attach the lead arm, which uses a string of 4 cubic octostruts to provide flexibility and make it easy to dock to the pad proper. I'll eventually take the other one off. But docked to that is the power array- 32000 units of battery with 8 gigantors to maintain it and an RTG for blackstart power if it ever does get emptied. All that's missing is modules for drilling, smelting, and refining fuel and I can actually try launching from this. Also, how does one recover debris in this version. I'd like to reclaim that lander module that is sitting there.
  16. That could be problematic for people, as MJ 1.x is no longer usable as of KSP 0.21. Hopefully the creator of this project is still around and updates it to work with MJ2, although the post above mine details how to correct it yourself.
  17. Pretty sure its a known issue with the current runway, but it shows an example of a very real problem. NASA has managed to get at least one Mars rover stuck in soft ground, in a situation where it isn't as easy as having someone walk down the runway to give it a push to get it out. I do a lot with Microrovers as well, most of them built around the 1 meter square plate with four wheels. If you put half a meter or so between your wheels, there's a good chance in many cases that at least two of them will remain on solid ground and can pull the craft out of the ravine. Here's one of my microrovers- one of the Leafa class exploring the base of a mun arch. These days the only testing of rovers I do is rolling them on the pad a little to make sure they turn on command. I don't go very far.
  18. Egads this is a necro from beyond the normal round of necros.
  19. The reason why is because in practice you actually need a certain amount of gravity to hold the base down, otherwise it ends up sliding about when attaching modules or gets set to bouncing on the surface during launches. EPL would almost benefit from some type of land-anchor solution to fix the pad on the surface once it is situated. After finding no locations on the mun that I am happy with, I will be moving this base to be on Minimus instead. Hopefully that bouncing problem I had before doesn't come back- when I bumped my rovers together to dock them it set the whole mass skidding along the surface.
  20. Oh good, I was waiting for an 0.21 compatible. Glad you got the augers fixed too. I'll be testing this tonight if I can find a nice flat spot on the mun to assemble it on. If there is one drawback to the new terrain, it is that it is far harder to find a good spot for building things.
  21. The Steam Workshop is not a viable solution for KSP, as it relies on the steam wrapper to provide integration capabilities. All KSP versions are being maintained DRM-free, and that includes the steam wrapper being removed from KSP as of 0.20- all Steam does for KSP is downloads it and keeps it up to date, it no longer interfaces with it beyond launching the executable. Plenty of guides exist for how to install mods in KSP, as long as they are compatible it is a basic file copy operation that most people should have no trouble understanding. The only real automation beyond that to be easily and beneficial would be a system wherein a button in the game menu opened the gamedata folder in your system's file browser, in order to make said data folder easy for users to locate.
  22. It is already possible to perform co-op flights using Telemachus. One person sits at the computer running KSC, acting as the 'pilot' of the vessel. The other sits at a second machine only looking at the data from telemachus, acting as mission control while talking with the person actually playing KSP. Stock support for co-op or multiplayer will not be implemented anytime soon. Pretty sure a thread exactly like this was posted yesterday, and closed for the same reason as this one will be- co-op is included in multiplayer on the do not suggest list. Although as explained a limited form of Co-op is already possible using mods, there is no plans at this time to implement anything of that nature into the stock game.
  23. Regardless of how it is worded, this is still a multiplayer suggestion not all that different from other suggestions regarding co-op and multiplayer gameplay. If multiplayer in any form is ever implemented, it will be done first as a game mod. Already you can use Telemachus to provide a co-op capability of mission control / crew, while actual SMP multiplayer has long been theorized and has page upon page of implementation notes on hand and in several reference threads in the addon development section. Please refer to http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36863-What-not-to-suggest for a list of ideas that probably have already been suggested or are known to not be planned for implementation.
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