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Everything posted by OdinYggd

  1. Okay, I have the server running on Debian Linux. People can connect and interact without breaking the VPS, this has only 1GB of RAM after all. However it isn't saving vessels correctly. Anyone run into that yet. Running as a user, this does not seem to require root anymore if you move the http port off of port 80. Ports over 1024 can be opened by any user.
  2. There a Linux version of this server? Or is it still Windows-only.
  3. Whilist making a delivery vehicle for a rover, I noticed that you can make SSTOs out of them for ultra-lightweight orbital experiments: Was redoing one of my rover delivery systems and using effectively 4 of this SSTO as the delivery vehicle.
  4. I run a web hosting company, so out of respect for other providers in the same business I don't use adblock. And I can honestly tell you that if you are managing your web resources correctly, the site should be paying out more than 2:1 without needing any more than basic top and bottom banner ads. Sites that have more than that are milking it for ad revenue, or running high bandwidth services like streaming video that it is harder to earn back the bandwidth costs.
  5. Can you share screenshots of the offending designs? I've found the 0.22 SAS to have a very nice response, smooth enough that I can actually cruise reliably without needing mechjeb to maintain proper heading. But SAS is useless without sufficient control authority to actually turn the vessel, and your design may require additional control systems to compensate. When you finish adjusting your heading, tap F briefly so that the SAS toggles. That way it locks onto the position you wanted it at instead of trying to guess at it.
  6. This again. Have you actually tried building any of these devices and taking measurements to show that they actually work? Your research program is lacking in repeatable experimental results and documentation describing those experiments, it is just some theories that claim to disprove well-established concepts. As such I'll be closing this for trolling, because without experimental results showing that this works you are inviting people to question your education and background in science.
  7. Banned because recursive bans are the best.
  8. This comes up from time to time. It would be fun to have, but the tradeoff would be having that many more assets at KSC to load- contributing to load times and framerate issues there. Typically though most people seem to have problems with low gravity affecting the control-ability of their rovers. No amount of testing at KSC can correctly simulate this.
  9. Banned because of course it will explode, its a highly flammable energetic mixture.
  10. Banned because all-caps username.
  11. If a ship explodes in space and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? As other people have suggested, yes it very much does. Being able to hear the rushing of fluids, the humming of fans, and the thunder of your engines are all very much normal sounds when in space. They are carried up the ship structure into the crew areas. Other sounds probably shouldn't be carried while in a vacuum environment, and mods to implement this exist.
  12. It will not be included in the stock game anytime soon, per the developers. However several mod projects appear to be working on implementing it. In any case, please refer to the what not to suggest list found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/36863-What-not-to-suggest Multiplayer is among the listed suggestions we have either heard too much of or know will not be added anytime soon.
  13. Also in my collection is a working-order Apple IIe with green/black monochrome CRT and 5.25" dual-drive. One of my first encounters with computer programming was writing Lunar Lander on it in cassette basic.
  14. It's not so much it was leaky, as that cold weather caused the O-rings to not seal. The failure was situated at one of the SRB field joints- where they are assembled at in the VAB while full of fuel. At the time the SRBs used two O-rings, and it was known that on ignition it would leak a little initially before the rising pressure forced it out of its groove and into position to form a seal. Because of the low temperature the O-ring didn't deform fast enough, the leak became too hot and too severe for the O-ring to survive it. Casing began to melt, as did orange tank. The rest is visible in the footage of the flight- you can see the jet of fire coming off the faulty field joint and striking the tank shortly before detonation. Following that disaster they redesigned the SRB field joints to use 3 o-rings instead of 2 in order to ensure a more reliable seal, and enforced limits on allowed launch temperatures so that the O-rings would not be unacceptably cold at SRB ignition. But the day of the challenger launch, they didn't expect it to be a problem. Up until that point the O-rings had always formed a seal moments after SRB ignition without issue.
  15. Pentium MMX 233. 384MB RAM 15GB hard drive Has an S3 Trio 2MB videocard- doesn't even do 3D rendering properly. Oh and I actually managed to put a 24x10x40 CDRW in it and make it work. Originally this thing had windows 95 on it. This is a HP Vectra VE5/233 It originally had only 32MB of RAM and a 2GB hard drive, I long ago maxed it out
  16. This should be re-tested. Around 0.19 people figured out how to make a roller bearing for an all-stock helicopter by using landing gear wheels against the surface of a tank. I was never able to make mine fly, but the concept was there- the rotor could spin and put on speed. Just every time I tried it the rotor became unbalanced and wrecked the whole apparatus.
  17. Looks to me like this thread is really starting to wobble now, and doesn't have enough juice left for the reaction wheels to fix itself. Mods come and go. That's how it is with software, especially software written by enthusiasts for a rapidly-changing game project. I remember when the yeti permissions module for Minecraft stopped being usable, that was so frustrating as a longtime user of it on a bukkit server. But you do eventually find replacements with similar features, the plugin loading changing with the game itself until after a few months or years it barely looks like the game you remember. If you're really worried about your favorite mods dying out, encourage the use of the more open licenses so that other people can carry on what you created if you aren't interested anymore.
  18. I was thinking even further- making it so that on hitting an action group key it automatically cycles through each kethane converter output in order until all tanks are full. Along those lines though, can the action groups be set or reset instead of just toggled. Now it may be that I had my action group set to use the toggle action on the parts I was controlling, but I had to do some fudging around with using ints as bools to make it properly track states. Plus it is rather easy to mess it up- the program can only be started with the vessel in a known condition or it ends up having inverted outputs and depriving the ship of power. Also is the file storage device accessible outside KSP, so that I can make backups of programs that work well when experimenting.
  19. I'd like to see this as well. Something of similar form factor to an AR202 style mechjeb, where it can be easily attached to an existing vessel or used on an ultralight probe assembly without having to make structural changes. I was playing with it last night and managed to automate my kethane scanner such that the sensor automatically turns off as the battery runs down, and turns back on as the battery recharges. KOS is apparently able to fire action groups while a vessel is warping, making it quite the solution for my 1000x kethane scanner. I'll probably add other power management tasks to it tonight, and possibly even a 'phototropism' mode where it attempts to orient the vessel for maximum attainable sun exposure.
  20. I am Odin, and I approve of this response. I don't think we'd be terribly short-handed, as it takes time for word to spread and the forum has automatic features that would kick in to absorb most of the influx to a place where only moderators could even see it. We would then pick out the good postings and let the decent users through, while any troublemakers would be filtered out before you even saw them posting.
  21. Transmutation by neutron bombardment. If your reactor works well enough that fusion takes place and significant neutrons are emitted by it, those neutrons can transform the entire reactor and surrounding area into radioactive materials of variable and possibly lengthy half-lives. And to date most fusion reactions have been found to emit significant neutrons bursts when they aren't emitting loads of gamma radiation. I didn't know about the whole diproton thing, someone should probably post details of what is known about that mechanism. It sounds to me like that could be a real crippler for any fusion project. In a nutshell though, fusing materials less massive than iron yields energy. More massive than iron, fusion consumes energy. And as you get progressively more massive the amount of energy needed gets higher and higher. On the other hand fission of materials heavier than iron yields energy again, and since these elements are relatively easy to obtain and provoke into a stable reaction fission energy is attainable with nowhere near the effort required for fusion. What interests me though is what happens if you put the same gas composition as the sun into a fusor device. In the sun it uses a carbon-nitrogen fusion cycle instead of a straight D-D hot fusion. Not really sure if that would make the required temperatures higher or lower.
  22. I've merged the two active threads we had about this movie. Haven't yet gone to see it myself, but I might check it out. I tend to wait on new movies till they come out on DVD.
  23. Hardly. Probably should consider taking it easy though, put some thought into each post and explain things as you go. That way you aren't making strings of one-line posts without waiting for people to reply in between. Also the edit button is your friend, it's located to the lower right of posts you've made.
  24. Yeah but in the 18th century, if you were rich enough to pay for the crew to use it there was nothing stopping you from owning it. And at the time, merchant ships owned by prosperous businessmen were heavily armed with canon and manned by sailors trained in their use. Typically said cannons were protection against pirates, but probably were in reality used for other tasks too when it could slip unnoticed. I would imagine that if you filed the necessary permits, you could indeed build and fly a Saturn V. The issue there is one of funding, as it would take someone on the same level as Elon Musk to organize sufficient resources to pull it off.
  25. No, actual politics talk is still not acceptable. I'm honestly not sure why the system got to be this way. Somehow I don't think the founding fathers intended for it to be distorted in the manner it has, and we had plenty of warning not to trust a party system in politics- despite immeadiately forming them after George Washington.
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