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Everything posted by OdinYggd

  1. Granted. But if it made sense now it wouldn't make sense later, and if it made sense later it would make no sense at all right now. So if it ever makes sense the server crashes from the resulting paradox. I wish I had a better computer.
  2. Banned because even little boilers can explode if not handled with care.
  3. Banned because you'll need a good mechanic to build that for you.
  4. Banned because hey didn't I already get you.
  5. Banned because crankshaft and conrod without a piston or crosshead.
  6. Haven't played in a couple of days. The glitch with the maps finally started to annoy me, and I had other things to take care of. I'll come back to it in time.
  7. Granted. Now the launch vessel breaks apart while trying to dock with it, and ends up deorbiting itself in the process. I wish I had a bigger couch.
  8. Banned for posting too many GIFs. I almost had to
  9. I never will understand why Minecraft performs far better on my antique P4Ht at 3.4Ghz than on my modern I5-M460. But since I have that old P4 in good condition, I have a good time with Minecraft on it. Usually I start by digging down to bedrock, establishing a bunker just above that, and then forming an airtight self-sufficient fortress all perhaps no more than 10 blocks above bedrock. Eventually the tree farm yields enough wood to build a ladder back up to sea level, and I line the initial shaft properly as I journey upwards, eventually putting a simple shed over the actual entrance.
  10. Granted. You wish for something that cannot exist in our universe, inadvertently causing a second big bang and destroying everything. I wish that there was cake here.
  11. This thread seems worthy of being a forum game rather than a general off topic, since we're mostly listing and comparing what bugs people. It'll really bug me though if it goes off topic. Let's try to stay to the subject at hand please.
  12. Biggest thing of them all would have to be this: When everyone gets punished because a few people had to go and mess things up.
  13. Sorry everyone. This thread must be closed. Upon reviewing the data collected so far from the past few chat thread experiments, it has been determined by a group decision among the staff that they do not work well in this environment. The problems lay almost entirely with people not following forum-wide and thread specific rules regarding proper behavior and respect for other users. Because of this, I cannot allow a replacement thread to exist either. All subsequent chat-based and random insanity threads will be locked on sight until further notice. If conditions change, another experiment may be held. But in the present circumstances, this is unlikely to be any time soon.
  14. Interesting. It must be an acquired taste then, like so many other things. It's usually chewy and rich in flavor, typically prepared by hickory smoking before pan frying. Properly prepared it has a strong and distinct flavor, while being chewy with crunchy edges. A lot of people overcook it, making it dry and crunchy throughout instead of moist and chewy.
  15. Why don't you like bacon? Bacon is amazing when properly prepared, and goes well with a long list of main and side courses. Just gotta degrease it properly by gently squeezing it between two paper towels after it comes out of the frying pan.
  16. It's been a while for me. Some years back I took a little road trip to Seaside Heights New Jersey, and walked on the historic boardwalk there. I just found out that apparently that boardwalk was over 100 years old, and had to be replaced this year after Hurricane Sandy trashed it.
  17. Perhaps, but at the same time it was only by a group decision on the part of the moderation team that it was even allowed to get that long, because at the time it was determined that people were behaving well enough to allow it to continue. And at all times it should have been known that it would have been closed at the first sign of problems, with the possibility of replacement surviving depending entirely on what caused it to be closed. Easier said than done. Although trolls will be trolls, they still have to accumulate the same point totals that everyone else does before they can be banned. Just in practice they tend to do so much faster than most people, so even if they survive the first round they usually cause problems again and get finished off. Discussion does indeed create knowledge. But there is a time and a place for discussions, and the proper place for discussion about events that invoked forum moderation is through PMs with the moderation team. We try to be good about hearing out people's concerns, so long as they are presented in a respectable manner and have good reasoning behind them. So, let's talk about something fun. Who here has been to the beach?
  18. Get yourself some Spanish Sherry instead. They say every good bit of Sherry has a few drops of the first Sherry produced over 200 years ago.
  19. That's exactly what shouldn't be happening. This thread is not for roleplaying, it is for casual chat similar to what happens on the IRC- but here on the forum so that it is easier for people to reach it. Roleplaying in general is officially discouraged forumwide due to problems in the past, although you are welcome to take it to other sites.
  20. Fair and final warning: If this thread descends any further into Chaos, it will be crushed out of existing for good. Rage that means you too, I saw that reaction image a little while ago.
  21. This thread's velocity is too high, and we don't really have enough dV left to slow it down for a Chobit encounter. Although the planetary alignment later tonight will slow it down enough for that to happen. Rage097 and ShaconianX, please stop spamming up this thread with roleplaying. Officially roleplaying is discouraged here, if you want to do that you should find another site that specializes in it.
  22. How tall are you? Not sure how we'd be taller on mars. We'd definately be lighter at least, since Mars gravity is less than earth gravity iirc.
  23. Only if it was named Yellow Submarine, and all guests were greeted with Beetles songs.
  24. New episode of Skunky's comics up: http://www.kerbalcomics.com/2013/06/04/episode-27-first-contact/ Sure is Star Trek around here lately. ...not that I'd mind having Scotty beam me up to a future in the engineering department of a starship. Could be a lot more exciting than a machine shop.
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