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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. A crazy scientist from Kerbin's equivalent to Russia wants to relive the glory days of his country's old space program. He lives alone in the woods, and he spends his time kidnapping male Kerbals who happen to go camping in that particular area. Then - through crude and improvised surgery - he joins them together by a very particular part of their bodies, connecting them to form a complex "space station" of his own design, where flies trapped underneath the external protective tissues serve as its crew.
  2. Sleeping Beauty in my pants.
  3. The Secret of the Ooze in my pants.
  4. Finding Nemo in my Pants.
  5. So I felt like reviving this thread and adding a new drawing. It's not new as in has-just-been-finished-and-hasn't-really-been-seen-by-anyone. It's more wasn't-in-this-particular-thread-until-now new. I should stop creating separate threads for everything. I have this one, after all! Aptly named and everything. Yes, I'll just continue with this one, and from now on there will also be a lot more gore! Here is a Kerbal who removed his helmet a little too early. Enjoy!
  6. A Bug's Life in my pants.
  7. The Prestige in my pants.
  8. Hair in my pants. EDIT: What I originally wrote got worse the longer I thought about it. I take it back.
  9. The Two Towers in my pants.
  10. Q: Which Batman villain uses perfume as a weapon? A: Harvey Scent.
  11. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in my pants.
  12. Kerbin's core is the head of the dumbest person you know.
  13. Sometimes I hover my cursor over the Notifications tab just to feel popular.
  14. When you visit the Jool system and spontaneously decide to land on Tylo. You will not be prepared!
  15. Same reason why no one knows the difference between Grindcore and Semisynthetic Pseudoindustrial Death Whinecore: no one really cares.
  16. And when you reach space you cut your engines and wait for your speed to reach zero. This is the point where Kerbin's gravity stops, so waiting until then before you start burning towards the Mun will let you save a lot of fuel that would otherwise have been wasted on fighting gravity. That was how I did my first flight in Orbiter.
  17. Rest in peace, Spaceport. You will be missed.
  18. Not really. It's too cylindrical.
  19. You might want to check the dates before posting. This thread is almost two years old.
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