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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. Like War Thunder, except with Kerbals. Kerbal Airforce.
  2. Just a little drawing I've been working on since yesterday. Apparently, this Kerbal wanted to test whether or not you could breathe while standing on the Mun. Conclusion: Nobel Prize.
  3. Yep, I sent a probe to attempt to set Jool on fire. Definitely wildfire.
  4. So I went to aerobrake at Jool. Turns out the darn thing was made of wildfire.
  5. I just realized that Jool is made of wildfire. This will be fun.
  6. I usually build something cool and then cheat it into orbit in one way or another. I just want to get on with it, so I simply pretend that my hardworking Kerbals have built it for me already. It just needs me to send a crew and get exploring!
  7. Behold - Asteroid Queen Dressmeralda! On her shoulder is a great rocket launcher, fueled by blood and powered by hatred. She will use it to destroy the pretender queen standing before her. But it's hard, because that thing is really difficult to aim.
  8. All hail Asteroid Queen Dressmeralda. May her reign last until the end of time.
  9. I place radial decouplers everywhere just because they look cool. Part clipping is an integral part of my design process. I will not attempt anything until I have a good looking ship to do it with. My landers are built by the finest engineers on Kerbin, and if the game doesn't find them as sturdy as I do when it's time to deploy the parachutes, I will enable Unbreakable Joints.
  10. Thank you! You can use the Universe Replacer plugin for that. Just put it in Jool's texture folder.
  11. Myself, I look forward to the day I make them reenter Kerbin's atmosphere from the apoapsis of Eeloo.
  12. I landed a probe with a dress on Dres.
  13. So you're descending into madness? Here, have some music.
  14. I don't really have a favorite; I just use whatever is needed at the moment. Manned missions typically get the normal one, though. Double probes get the junior.
  15. No, unfortunately. But I could certainly use that configuration in a future grand tour!
  16. And here I opened the thread hoping to learn something new. Disappointed.
  17. My probe Jaimie and its lander Bran in orbit around Dres.
  18. Sent another probe to Dres. The place is awesome! Here's probe Jaimie and its lander Bran. Here's Jaimie dropping Bran down to the surface. Successful landing at the bottom of the canyon!
  19. The standard name for my agency is Spartan Aerospace, but I just realized that I could call it Kerbal Spice Agency instead.
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