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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. I landed on Eeloo for the first time! Here you can see the Aldo probe on its way out of the Kerbin system. Here it's in orbit around Eeloo. And here is the Hans lander - firmly planted on the surface.
  2. That's because they're taller than the atmosphere. There's no texture. Just lazy Photoshopping.
  3. Now that is a truly outrageous flag.
  4. That depends on what you mean. Eeloo does look very cold and lonely as it's so far away, but it still seems to be a more popular destination than Dres is. Dres just doesn't seem to fill any niche that would make it interesting. Eeloo is hard to get to because it's so far away, and Moho is hard to get to because it's so deep inside the Sun's gravity well. Eve is hard to leave and has Gilly; Kerbin is home; Duna is easy to get to and looks like Mars; and Jool is the only gas giant and has many cool moons. But Dres? Dres is just Dres. I personally like it because I think it looks awesome, but I can see that it often gets overlooked because it just got lost somewhere in the middle.
  5. Glorious, isn't it? For the bigger ones, at least.
  6. The Kerbals are coming, and no wall - manmade or otherwise - will stop them.
  7. That would be that MechJeb pod I sent out of the solar system way back in 0.15. I have never gone that far since. The loneliest of my "modern" missions would be the Hydra probe I inserted in a low orbit around Eeloo.
  8. Maybe a little over the top, but still.
  9. I found it pretty neat. It took me a while to figure out how to fly properly, but it was love at first sight. Here are two pictures from the old VAB. And here is a picture of a rocket on the old launch pad. Note the noticeable absence of trees.
  10. I bury some Kerbals in the ground and wait for one to grow.
  11. That's why you don't bring Ouija boards to space.
  12. I check the Interplanetary Calculator for the phase angle. Then I load the rocket and timewarp until the solar system looks kinda like it does in the Calculator, and then I switch to something else that's already in orbit around Kerbin and use maneuver nodes to see if that could theoretically go to my chosen destination. If it can, I switch back and launch away. If it's too early, I timewarp some more; and if it's too late, the wall gets a new hole.
  13. I don't have it on Steam. I like not knowing.
  14. That made me think of this picture. He kinda looks like he just realized that he forgot to do something important that he should've done before he left.
  15. I just found out that you can still undock a part of a ship even if you only have one docking port - a discovery that will certainly revolutionize space travel.
  16. Det beror antagligen på att du är ny. Man måste göra stycken 5 foruminlägg, som också måste bli godkända av en moderator, innan man kan göra allt som en "riktig" medlem kan göra. Testa nu! Det är bara för att avskräcka troll och spammare. Sådana skulle t.ex. kunna tänka sig att ha porr i sina avatarer, och det vore ju inte så trevligt.
  17. Sweet! I didn't know you could do that. My probe landers will look a whole lot better now!
  18. I find it quite annoying how the undo and redo commands in the VAB tend to skip some steps.
  19. You mean the one with the coat of arms? Poor Jeb. Seriously, that's awesome. "THE flag of Poland, Jeb? I'm sorry, but..." You just saved me from the embarrassment of having to actually spare him! He will not escape!
  20. Turns out his stay in the Mohole wasn't enough to make him learn. Jeb has snuck into the snack room again! I can't take it anymore. He's getting Whack-A-Kerbal'd! Unless he can point out the flag of Poland.
  21. Turns out Jeb has been to the snack room without my permission. Again! This isn't working - he has to go. My Kerbal whacking powers are ready, but I am a merciful overlord, and I will offer Jeb a final chance to save himself. All he has to do is to answer a simple question. All he has to do is to point out the flag of Poland.
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