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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. And yes, there is something strange about the site right now. They're working to pinpoint and fix the cause.
  2. The game site is having some trouble in the last few days. Squad has been informed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. I haven't updated my guide for quite a while, but it might still be helpful. Also, a perfectly circular orbit has few advantages other than aesthetic tidiness. Real spacecraft seldom bother to match periapsis and apoapsis precisely.
  4. There are complex ways to do move the apo and peri, but it might be better to simply circularize your orbit and then burn when you're aligned with them.
  5. Some posts have been removed. Don't be rude to mod makers, people. They are volunteers who work as much as they want to as quickly as they want to, and owe you nothing more than that. And if you see someone being rude to a mod maker, please just report the post rather than get into an argument with that person.
  6. You guys know there already sort-of is one, right? (Not my pic.) At any rate, this suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  7. No need to delete. Others may have the same problem. But since you asked, I've locked the thread for you.
  8. The health care industry is not the subject of this thread, folks. That part of the discussion has been removed. Hope things turn out well with your dog, @The_Cat_In_Space.
  9. It's a fun place to visit with lots of nice people.
  10. My guide has not been updated for a while, but might still be helpful.
  11. Thread moved to Gameplay Questions, since it is seeking help rather than offering it.
  12. Did you guys know that a moderator can post in a thread even after it is locked?
  13. Early pre-release versions 0.7-0.13 were free demos and may be traded. Anything after that falls under Squad's copyrights and cannot be legally traded. I'm told that there is a method to get the older versions through Steam if you have bought the game through Steam, but I'm sorry, I do not know the details.
  14. Don't get too crazy with the video effects, please.
  15. Well, it's never too late. Welcome to the forum.
  16. We've removed some posts for being violent or political. Play nice, please.
  17. Last notice, folks. If the personal and argumentative comments don't stop, we're going to be handing out warnings.
  18. Now that the question has been clarified, the thread has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  19. Even if true, that's a pretty harsh way to phrase your point, and one not likely to inspire a productive response. As always, folks, please try to keep in mind that your fellow forum members are not deliberately being unhelpful, and please restrict the discussions to game issues and leave each other's personalities out of things.
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