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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This report of some missions has been moved to Mission Reports. And glad to see you're enjoying 1.6.
  2. Version 0.16, because then Kerbals could finally GET OUT OF THEIR SPACESHIPS! Was a major breakthrough in space exploration.
  3. Pictures of what? What is that thing? Looks like a bad movie prop.
  4. The posts shaming a forum newbie for posting in the wrong place have been removed. The posts helping a forum newbie seek assistance with this mod have been liked. The newbie's question has been merged into the proper thread. All is right with the world. Carry on.
  5. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  6. I believe the ones in question are not from the forum but were made by the player who created the challenge. We moderators don't have any access to those beyond what any forum member could do, which is trying to remember which challenge it was and going to its thread to see if it still is offering a badge.
  7. Welcome to the KSP science subforum, where people become enemies over how red the moon should be/is during an eclipse. Can't we all just say, "Ooo! Pretty!" and move on? (Oops. I see this is actually in the Lounge rather than Science. Well, you get my point.)
  8. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. And better luck next time.
  9. Some posts have been removed. We can disagree with each other without getting angry and turning it into an argument. On the one side, give your feedback politely and keep in mind that if the mod-maker does not wish to implement that feedback, he/she is under no obligation to do so and repeating the request becomes a rude thing. On the other side, if you folks find a post which you believe is being rude, please just hit the report button on it and let the moderators deal with it rather than replying and getting into an argument yourself. That's not fun for you, and clutters the threads with posts which are of no interest to people who just want discussion of the mod.
  10. Keep the jokes clean, please. We've removed a post or two.
  11. Hi @luxorpt. If you tell us which mod you're talking about, we can direct your question to the right place.
  12. @Jeb'sFineRocket, so many people want merch that there's already a thread for it. And so, yours has been merged into it.
  13. http://cityofkerman.net/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerman There are other oddments if you poke around the internet for a while.
  14. Upon reflection, yes. (Sorry, it used to not be possible and I was remembering old information.)
  15. We get notifications for some stuff you don't. I generally have 4-15 per day.
  16. @StrandedonEarth, I am very tired today and it just dawned on me that I completely misread your post. No wonder the link I posted confused you. Anyway, we'd rather folks didn't share off-color content here, at all. Sorry.
  17. @StrandedonEarth, this might be a better place to ask. https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/
  18. Some posts have been removed or edited. Expressing opinions about the game is pretty much the reason the forum exists. You don't have to like or care about the opinions of others, but there's no avoiding them on the forum and there's no need to get confrontational about them when you do encounter them.
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