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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. The thread has been pruned a bit because the argument turned personal. Please talk about the game rather than each other.
  2. Modding question moved to the modding subforum. Carry on.
  3. There are a set of invisible attachment points extending above the fairing base. I suspect that the problem is that the game thinks you wanted those upper assembles stuck to one of them. You can fix it by going back to the VAB, r-clicking on the forum base to turn those off, and re-assembling the parts.
  4. Sal_vager knew the alchemical secret of making colorful tags, but alas, he did not pass on his secrets before departing the forum. I suspect you're seeing a relic of olden times.
  5. Me! @Val will be along shortly, I'm sure.
  6. If you're trying to fly IVA, you know you can watch the ascending/descending speed needle and find the peri and apo as the two points where the gauge is reading zero. Just a thought.
  7. A couple of our guys are also Steam moderators, but no Reddit mods here.
  8. Some posts have been removed or edited. 1) Remember that modmakers are unpaid volunteers and are free to decline or outright ignore feedback if they so choose, and 2) if you feel someone is not honoring that, please simply report the post rather than answer it and clutter the thread with an argument which is not of interest to most people visiting the thread.
  9. What is the hosting service and technical stuff like that?
  10. This exchange of craft has been moved to the craft exchange subforum.
  11. If there are good craft out there, they will be in the Spacecraft Exchange. To which your thread has been moved.
  12. I think the idea is that there will be more DLCs rather than additions to this one, but I have no inside info. Just my impression.
  13. Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm one of the moderators here, and I'm sorry to tell you that we had to remove the log from your post. Very large posts like that cause page loading problems on the forum. Please upload the file to a hosting site and use the link they provide in your posts here.
  14. It's all one account now. Also, we've got quite a few threads like this now, so this one has been consolidated into one of the existing ones.
  15. Nobody tell me how it ends.
  16. Yes, the automerge timer can be changed. But why would we want to?
  17. Liking then unliking a post can result in a notification being sent. Automerging is set to 10 minutes.
  18. Since it seems you are specifically asking for modding guidance, your question has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  19. There's also a choice to turn that penalty off in the pre-game-start options.
  20. Internal software stuff, done with Squad's knowledge and approval. Thank you for pointing it out, though.
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