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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Hmm. Looks like this mod is defunct. We can re-open the thread if OP wishes.
  2. Look, there are a lot of threads, okay? Can YOU keep them all straight?
  3. Although Musk does own a spaceflight company, this isn't it. And so, the thread has been moved to The Lounge.
  4. Newbies, welcome to the forum. But please read back over at least a few pages of threads before asking about updates, since messages like this can become repetitive and feel like harassment to the mod maker.
  5. Yes, a screenshot would help. He may be bumping into something, even if it's not easy to see.
  6. Political discussions on this forum never end well, and you know we've had to rule the subject off-limits. Furthermore, discussions of politics and history are off-topic in a thread which is supposed to be about venting. For those reasons, a number of posts have been removed from this thread.
  7. Well, we'll lock it again anyway, but even so, yes, please leave the political content for other forums.
  8. An argument has been removed from this thread. Please express yourselves politely.
  9. Thread moved to Fan Works, where the artsy types hang around.
  10. Looks like this thread has left its actual topic far behind. Please start new threads for those other topics.
  11. Testing. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  12. Sigh. Don't do the Dres thing again, please, guys? We ended up having to lock some threads over that.
  13. Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking. I am not aware of anything that would allow you to design a craft outside of the game and bring it into the game.
  14. Some personal remarks have been removed from this thread. Keep it polite, please.
  15. Some off-topic posts have been removed. Please contact each other through PMs.
  16. No. That would be anti-democratic. One person/one vote.
  17. This discussion of designs has been moved to the designs sharing subforum. Also, cute avatar, @Hunony.
  18. Well, OP has left the forum and the discussion was starting to go off-topic and into politics. Time to move on.
  19. Thread moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the forum rather than the game.
  20. Whatever this was, looks like it's over.
  21. Question about the forum moved to the question about the forum subforum.
  22. If the difference between the orbits is great, you either spend a lot of time bringing them together or burn a lot of fuel. There's no way around that. For elliptical orbits, the first thing I do is burn to bring the line between periapsis and apoapsis around to align with that of the target. Once you do that, it's really pretty much the same as circular orbit rendezvous. Of course, that can be a pretty tricky first step. It may not be fuel-efficient, but I sometimes simplify things by circularizing with my peri or apo coinciding with that of the target. Then it's a simple matter to align the other point, match planes, etc.
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