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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. These are some nice-looking little planes.
  2. Renaming, no. I don't know what might cause this aside from the age of the post thing.
  3. "Guest" is substituted for names on some extremely old posts which get garbled by forum software transitions. Is that what you're asking about, @Nils277? Could you post a screenshot of what you're seeing, @kBob?
  4. If we deleted threads because they served no purpose, there wouldn't be many threads left. Relax, guys. There's no reason to do away with this one.
  5. The maximum thrust of an engine is roughly proportional to its mass. So if you're not running it at 100%, then you're carrying extra mass in the form of the unused engine potential. Rather than run it at partial throttle, use more than one smaller engine or, as Bewing suggested, add some SRBs to give it an extra kick right off the pad.
  6. Thread moved to Gameplay Questions, since it's seeking help rather than offering it.
  7. Looks like this has turned into a discussion of the relative merits of various games. Please start threads for those, if you're inclined.
  8. April showers bring May threads of the Month. Or something. It sounded good in my head. Leave me alone. Anyway. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** At one time or another we've all tried to make aircraft for the non-Kerbin places that have air, and @Ixamus finally thought to make a thread for them. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** On the subject of aircraft, how about making big ones with little engines, as @zolotiyeruki suggests? ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** And on the subject of things we've all done at one time or another, why not try @Angel-125's spiffy parts to customize your flying saucers? ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Congratulations to this month's selections, and may you wear your badges with pride.
  9. This request for mission ideas has been moved to the Mission Ideas subforum.
  10. Vanamonde


    Whatever point this thread may have originally had seems to have been lost.
  11. Thread moved and welcome to the forum.
  12. Welcome to the forum, Ho Lam Kerman.
  13. As this is only tangentially about KSP, the thread has been moved to the Lounge.
  14. Venting is fine. The cussing is not.
  15. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. And congratulations on your first visit to Tylo.
  16. The posts with all the cussing have been removed. Also, the replies to the posts with cussing.
  17. I just tried it and it worked.
  18. Your question has been moved to the support subforum since multiple mods are involved. Good luck with your issue.
  19. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  20. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  21. And you've been here long enough to know that they should. Get back on-topic please, guys.
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