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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Cousins eventually reach a compromise on foreign aid policy.
  2. Used to be moderators were divided between subforums and globals supervised them and gazed "globally" on the whole forum, but it's less busy now and we are all free range moderators. Globals have merely been around longer. There's only one emeritus, and that's Sal_vager. He decided he needed to move on to a new phase in his life, but had done so much on the forum for so long that we gave him a unique status as a going-away present.
  3. Craft sharing thread moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  4. Not just you. This is a common design challenge. Yes. It has places for docking rings but you need to add the rings. No tips, that's just how orbits work. It sounds like the problem you might be having is approaching too slowly, allowing time for small velocity divergences to build up. Also just part of the process, though for the final approach I usually switch to "locked" mode along the axis of the ship I'm steering. Can't help you with the mod questions, since I don't use them. You might try practicing with smaller ships. Here's a trainer I made a while back. https://kerbalx.com/Vanamonde/M131-Docking-Trainer The handy thing is that the ships all take off together, so you don't need to fly a rendezvous first.
  5. Unfortunately, there is no demo version currently. You might post your PC's specs here and ask for advice, though. Also, welcome to the forum.
  6. Your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of discussion, @putnamto.
  7. This sharing of a craft has been moved to the craft sharing sub. Also, neat-o craft.
  8. Craft sharing thread moved to the craft sharing sub. Also, welcome to the forum, @SnacklessKerbal.
  9. Who died and made you boss? I declare that EVERY DAY is moderator appreciation day!
  10. Vanamonde

    Pets Thread

    That's common in Siamese.
  11. It's a pretty fun game, but has some problems. There's a weird combat system, for example, which you can watch but not control. For free, though? I'd definitely recommend it.
  12. Baxter's an idea man, alright, but his characters are pretty one-dimensional and often unlikeable.
  13. Looks like your COL is so close to the COM that the plane is having trouble exerting torque to apply control authority. That's going to cause trouble on any axis and it just happens that in this case it's nosing down. Counter-intuitively, I believe shifting the wings back slightly would help. Although that would make the plane more nose-heavy, it will also help the control surfaces do their job. Also, now that it's clear your question is about a KSP craft, the thread has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  14. Thread moved to Modded Support and good luck with your problem.
  15. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  16. Zoom out and scroll around? They could be over the poles and out of the usual lines of sight.
  17. He/she was joking. Anyway, thread moved to Gameplay Questions.
  18. Those large control surfaces may be imposing excessive forces while steering. I'd suggest using smaller wings and flaps up front.
  19. @Damien212, Imgur album links have never worked well on this forum. Maybe try linking to the individual pics?
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