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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Yes, please. The EULA threads went bad and had to be closed. Let's not do that again, okay?
  2. This thread seems to have left its topic far behind. Time to move on.
  3. They're doing some forum software fine-tuning and updating. Expect minor weirdnesses.
  4. Guys, if you think something is a spammer, don't just keep repeating the links, okay? That pumps up their usage stats and search service hits. Those links have been removed.
  5. Sorry, guys, but many jokes which may be common on the internet these days are overly vulgar for our friendly little forum. Please remember we have many younger forum visitors and try not to say things you wouldn't say around your friends's children, okay?
  6. Thread moved to the Lounge, and in the process, the title was edited for clarity.
  7. Everybody's glaring in these threads already. That's the problem. Please don't attack each other over differing opinions. Insulting other people is not going to win them over to your point of view.
  8. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  9. Data can be transmitted, but unfortunately it will only be relayed to the KSC and counted as science accumulated at that time. It can't be accepted by any other craft along the way. The only way to transport dataq to an intermediary for processing is by physically carrying it on another ship.
  10. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  11. We have to open the spoilers. Otherwise, how would we know if contraband is in there?:
  12. Return to the topic, please. This is turning into the kind of discussion which goes bad and gets threads locked.
  13. A serious note: STOP IT WITH THE HUGE JOKE POSTS. They gum things up.
  14. We can, but our name changer is taking some time off, so it may be a few days.
  15. Player opinion, not moderator post. Squad: We are working on an update. Forum: You don't give them to us fast enough! Squad: If we give you release dates and then delays happen, you get mad. Forum: No! You MUST give us ALL THE INFORMATION! Squad: Okay, probably next week. Forum: WHERE IS IT? Furor, hubbub, ire, complaints! Squad: [depressed silence] Forum: WHY DON'T YOU TELL US WHEN UPDATES WILL ARRIVE?
  16. Okay, so a bit of a spat was ironed out, and now it's time to get back to the business of moving or closing threads.
  17. Thread re-opened, and please don't give us reason to close it again.
  18. Thread moved to Gameplay Questions. If you want to do it the minimalist way, this will tell you when to transit. If you want more help, someone will come along and recommend some mods soon.
  19. Sounds like a challenge. And so, moved to Challenges.
  20. Gravity is mostly determined simply by the amount of matter there is pulling on something, but if the object is made smaller, the gravity it exerts at the surface gets stronger because the other object is closer to the center. Note that it gets strong at the surface, but it's not actually exerting more total force. And the planets in KSP are artificially smaller than real planets of the same mass, with Kerbin's surface gravity adjusted to match earth's.
  21. Absolutely not. I'm saying the planet in the game has been adjusted to have earth-normal gravity despite being much smaller than earth. All the KSP planets are much denser than real planets.
  22. Although the implied math makes the planets bizarrely small and dense, the conditions have been set so that Kerbin's surface gravity is the same as earth's. That means the height a person could jump on Kerbin would be the same as that person could jump on earth.
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