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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. In your face, @Dman979!
  2. This sharing of craft has been moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  3. That is an interesting ship.
  4. Consider the following illustration that I swiped from somebody on the internet. Extend the prograde and you will add speed to the course you're already taking, making your projected path line straighter, and doing other stuff depending on the circumstances. Extend the retrograde and you will slow down, causing your course line to curve more in response to the gravity being exerted on your ship. Extend the normal and your course will curve toward the north of the world you are flying around. (On this half of the orbit. On the other half you will tend just as much toward the south.) Extend the anti-normal and your course will curve toward the south of the world you are flying around. (On this half of the orbit. On the other half you will tend just as much toward the north.) Extend the radial and your course will curve closer to the world you are near. Extend the radial out and your course will pass farther from the world. Note: these are short explanations and the real situation is likely to be messier, as changing those vectors can have other effects as well. However, returning from the moons is a fairly simple maneuver and you don't need to get fancy with the course plotting. Take a look at this guide I made a while back.
  5. I used no mods (most of the time) but welcome to the forum anyway.
  6. Hello to everyone back at you, @Jadago.
  7. Support thread moved to the support subforum. Also, welcome to the forum.
  8. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  9. Possibly the single best feeling in the whole game is your first successful Mun mission. Congratulations. Also, interesting craft. Despite the name, not many people use the lander can for landers.
  10. Since these are suggestions for players rather than for the developers, the thread has been moved to General Discussions.
  11. What's the orientation of the vehicle? Is the root part facing the wrong way? Is the upper half of the navball brown?
  12. Congrats on your upgrade and I hope you have fun with the game.
  13. The whole point of removing it was to get the thread back on track, so if you guys could stop describing what was removed, that would be swell.
  14. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions. And welcome to the forum.
  15. There's an oddity about KSP wings in that they do not generate lift at zero angle of attack. You can help yourself a great deal by adjusting the landing gear so that the nose is a little higher than the tail while the plane is on the runway. That way, the wings are already at a slight angle to the airflow and will start to generate lift as you roll down the runway.
  16. Guys, please avoid references to the WW2 regime which always causes trouble on our forum. Some posts have been removed or edited.
  17. As Geonovast notes, that's an awful lot of threads to move, guys, and people tend to get angry when we move their threads and want to protest and argue that they should actually belong somewhere else. So we only move them when there's a clear need, and to be honest, the workload implied here is just not feasible.
  18. Please don't accuse each other of things like pirating the game. If you have some evidence that someone has, send it as a report to the moderating team. Otherwise, give your fellow players the benefit of the doubt, please.
  19. Some of the images are getting into politics or violence and have been removed. Please keep the game light, folks.
  20. Hello there fellow kerbonaut! i am Vanamonde, a fairly old kerbonaut in the forums ! i am not very skilled as i bought the game 5 years ago. Advice: start with a small rocket, fly it, then add parts and stages to see what works, building up to large craft. Test each stage in flight (or its intended function) before adding the next stage.
  21. I built the smallest rocket that would fly, then on successive flights I added parts and stages to see what worked and what didn't.
  22. Thread moved to the Lounge, since it doesn't appear to be KSP-related. Good luck with your issue, though.
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