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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Hello. I don't use mods and so have no advice, but welcome to the forum.
  2. We will call this to the attention of our IT guy.
  3. Ever take a close look at our IT's avatar?
  4. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  5. Vanamonde

    Pets Thread

    It's your thread, silly. You said so.
  6. Vanamonde

    Pets Thread

    A post or two have been removed. This thread is for your own pets, please, rather than joke videos about animals.
  7. If you'd like an update to this project, asking nicely is more likely to get a productive result. We like to keep our forum friendlier than most places on the internet.
  8. Yes, it's still there so old designs aren't broken.
  9. Please keep in mind that political discussions have had to be banned from this forum because they invariably go bad, (2.2.b) and oddly enough, so has roleplaying (2.2.j). Recruiting players here on this forum is fine, but the actual play and discussions will need to take place elsewhere. Also, thread moved to the Lounge, since it's not directly about KSP.
  10. A number of posts have been removed from this thread. The original purpose of the thread was to celebrate scouting rather than to berate each other over the organization's policies, so let's get back to that discussion, please.
  11. Nothing to do with the EULA, so this post was split from a thread on another topic. It's a forum weirdness that came up recently.
  12. Not in a free society. If there's any legal action to be taken, which I doubt, that's up to Squad/Take Two.
  13. OP isn't even on the forum anymore. Time to let this thread rest in peace.
  14. There have been some forum glitches in the last few days. ManeTI is working on it.
  15. People make them from time to time. You could add to that thread if you wanted.
  16. The accusations of spyware arise entirely from terminology in the EULA (which I think has been changed already), and I believe this video has been linked earlier in this thread already, too. Anyway, it's all part of the same discussion, so this does belong here.
  17. Among other reasons, this would allow people to cause trouble on the forum, then have their accounts deleted and remove the records of the trouble, and then start all over causing trouble again.
  18. The same advice I give to every new player: 1). Start with the smallest rocket you can make, fly it, then add and remove stages and parts to see how it affects the ship, working your way up to large craft. 2). Test each stage in flight before adding the next stage to your design. And welcome to the forum.
  19. Thanks for the suggestion, but it's just a randomly sore trapezius.
  20. My left shoulder has decided that it's injured. I didn't inure it. Nothing did. But it's convinced it should hurt anyway, so it does. It doesn't hurt when I move. It doesn't hurt when I stand. It doesn't hurt when I sit. It doesn't hurt when I try to sleep on my left side. But when I try to sleep on my right side, it burns like a strained muscle, so bad that I can't sleep until I turn over and lie on my left side. It's been doing this for several days, but instead of getting better, it's gotten worse. What the hell, shoulder?
  21. These questions about the forum have been moved to the sub for questions about the forum. There is no guide page. Dots under your name come from a combination of number of posts you've made and like points you've received. The things under your posts are "signatures," which you can make for yourself by going to your account settings (menu when you click on your name on upper right of page), and choosing signature from the bottom left of the following page. And welcome to the forum.
  22. I am unfamiliar with these mod planets. I'd vote Duna if it was an option. Easy to get to and scenic.
  23. There are people who abuse the rep system, so the rate at which points can be given has a limit. And that limit has already been raised once, so it's not likely to be raised again.
  24. It was not like that in any published version of the game. Sounds like someone talking about the planning stage of the solar system. I see @NovaSilisko has been on the forum lately, and he might know more about that since he helped make the solar system.
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