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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Some posts have been removed from this thread or edited. Please don't make the arguments personal, and stick to the topic.
  2. This is a known bug and true for everybody right now. Meanwhile, welcome to the forum.
  3. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  4. Which windows are we talking about? The part descriptions in the VAB? R-click menus in the VAB or flight? Etc. Oh, and welcome to the forum.
  5. The projected path is displayed from the perspective of the world whose sphere of influence you currently occupy. It can look funny but still be correct. Perhaps share a picture? Yes, most of us leave some extra stages floating. In fact, real space programs leave lots of stages floating. You can reduce it by designing your stages to run out of fuel where they will collide with something, but it's difficult to entirely eliminate, and most of us don't try. Personally, I don't make much of a comm network at all. I simply send my missions only as far as my current antenna take will carry. I do leave repeater sats in orbit around other worlds to cover times when my direct line of sight to KSC is blocked, but that's all. Others have other approaches. As for what to do next, you can get quite a bit of science by beaming back data from one-way probes near the sun or other planets, even if they don't land. I don't really go by tiers, though, so I'm sorry I don't remember which parts are where. I go for science parts first, to maximize the return on my missions. NASA uses heat shields, as you should. Welcome to the forum.
  6. Maybe. But since none of us have played it yet, who can say?
  7. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  8. Again, please please talk about the subject of the thread rather than each other.
  9. Known bug. Being addressed. And since there are already several threads and posts about this...
  10. Actually, that's exactly why a lot of people bought KSP and continue to play it. Most of us get along fine without MechJeb. At any rate, this suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  11. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  12. Once again, a fair number of posts have been moved from this thread to the EULA discussion. Please don't go through that whole argument in multiple threads, guys.
  13. A new update came out a few days ago. And they tend to be farther apart because each new change is more difficult to integrate into all that came before. There's also been turnover on the dev team and in game ownership, which slows things down.
  14. Expressing your opinions about the subject is fine. Insulting each other is not. Please don't make the argument personal.
  15. The engines should be able to draw on those tanks just fine, without any special measures.
  16. This is the spot; your post has been merged. @Darth Badie?
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