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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. More posts have been removed from this thread. Once again, if you think the OP shouldn't be helped with this question, then don't help. Just skip to another discussion. But also don't go around casting aspersions on someone you know nothing about. Whether right or wrong, that kind of confrontational approach makes the forum a less pleasant place for everyone to visit.
  2. A what in the where now? An email from this forum? What do you mean by "won't die"? Can't be deleted?
  3. Looks like you're developing an add-on? Moved to Add-on Development. Good luck.
  4. Unfortunately, the Chinese version is going to be in Chinese. There might be some elaborate way around it, but in the end it's going to be easier and better, and possibly even faster, to simply download the English version. Anyway, thread moved to support, now that we know what the issue is.
  5. I'm sorry, but what is in Chinese? Did you download the Chinese version of the game accidentally?
  6. Modding support question moved to the modding support subforum.
  7. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  8. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  9. Welcome to the forum. Your craft sharing thread has been moved to the craft sharing subforum. Cute little plane.
  10. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  11. Common issue since the atmosphere was reworked a while back. Reduce drag up front and add some fins toward the back. Also, thread moved to Gameplay Questions.
  12. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  13. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  14. @sijb777, as of several months ago, Photobucket wants to charge you a bucket of money to host your pics. Trying another service, such as Imgur.com.
  15. It takes A LOT of engine burning to get up to orbital speed, but once you've attained that, even quite small burns will turn the orbit into an ellipse rather than a circle. It's really just a matter of watching the curve of your path in map mode and turning the engine off slightly sooner than you have been. But don't sweat it either way. There's nothing special about a circular orbit except that it looks tidier.
  16. The store site should be able to give you updates on existing purchases, just not new sales. It worked the last time I tried it, anyway. But glitches right now should not be surprising since we know they are actively working on it to get ready to start making sales from the store again.
  17. I have not experienced this, so I'm going to presume that it's a bug. Therefore, thread moved to Support.
  18. Multiple over-lapping threads have been merged. It's a mod-related prank, guys.
  19. Nope. Store's been offline during the transition after the Take Two purchase. Projected to be up for the next version release.
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