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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. I got yours, replied, and included the original target person.
  2. No one is currently working on this. Our current moderating team does not have expertise in whatever issue is causing the problem, and to be honest, it's not a terribly productive use of our time since Imgur just keeps breaking our fixes and work-arounds anyway. Sorry.
  3. I just tried a search on that terms, Sarbian. It worked for me.
  4. I'm not aware of any trouble. Who were you trying to message? I don't mean to be nosey, but he could check his inbox if you're willing to say.
  5. Several overlapping threads about the new EULA have been merged.
  6. @CrainFartor, I'm sorry but I had to remove the log file from your post. Very large posts like that tend to cause page loading problems here on our forum. Please upload the file to a sharing site and use the link they provide in your post here.
  7. You could just, you know, not do those contracts.
  8. The home planet requires much, MUCH, MUCH less dV to reach. Not sure what you mean by your question, though. What are you trying to do?
  9. I don't play on console, but I imagine this aspect is the same as the PC game. Here's a calculator which can tell you when to burn to reach other planets. Was there any particular part of it you were having trouble with?
  10. Fairings are an aid but not a necessity. You can fly any old monstrosity with enough control authority.
  11. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  12. I play on medium settings because I dislike the repetitive experience of doing simple contracts over and over again just to build up money for the things I really want to do. Besides, I started playing long before there were difficulty settings, so medium is the game I'm used to.
  13. Overlapping threads have been merged. Don't know about the device thing, since I'm on desktop.
  14. There was an announcement yesterday. We're on a new hosting service now.
  15. Since actual science is taking place, this thread has been moved to Science & Spaceflight.
  16. I have built dozens of highly successful SSTTPEOKs*. *Single Stage to that Peninsula East of KSC
  17. A stable orbit *is* a pretty orbit. As long as you're not hitting dirt or atmo, it'll do. Welcome to the forum.
  18. I don't use mods so I don't know what that means, but welcome to the forum.
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