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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Welcome to our forum, skorpio_ink. Unfortunately, I had to delete your error log. Files that large causing page loading errors. Please upload the file to a sharing site and use the link they provide in your posts here.
  2. What I'm saying, guys, is that no matter how useful this might be, I do not know of a way to do it. I haven't given up on the idea, but in the meantime, having people label their own questions as being about console versions is better than nothing.
  3. Wow. The formatting on this thread is bizarrely messed up. I haven't seen anything like this before. @Azimech, I'm sorry for the trouble but please re-submit the first post as a new thread. I'm going to close this one to prevent it from causing additional trouble.
  4. A number of posts have been removed from this thread because they were off-topic. Please do not make the forum less pleasant for everyone by feuding and accusing each other of trolling.
  5. No law says you have to eject the engines before entering atmo. How about simply retaining the last stage long enough to do a braking burn?
  6. Sal_vager's thingy is actually a custom forum rank, like "bottle rocket" for new members and such. It would replace any regular forum rank the person had and would not advance as post count/rep increased. So that wouldn't work. I can't think of another way to indicate this at the moment, anyway, and it would seem to be best if the question askers themselves specified which platform they were using in their posts. I will think this over, though.
  7. Well, it's not. It's a pic CraterCracker made for me.
  8. We have three choices. We can hard delete it, but we only ever do that with spam posts or buggy things which can't be saved, such as huge error log files which are causing forum glitches. We don't like to do that, though, because it doesn't leave a record of what has happened. Most often we "hide" posts, which leaves them where they are and visible to moderators, but normal forum members do not see them. For the really nasty stuff, we have a subforum, not accessible by normal forum members, where we can move things for storage and possible later reference.
  9. Some off-topic posts have been removed from this thread. If you feel the content of a thread is not helpful, simply skip to the next thread. There's no call for being harsh to the person attempting to offer help to fellow KSP players.
  10. Craft sharing thread moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  11. I am drinking tea right now.
  12. @ItsSeanBroleson and @MaxwellsDemon , your threads have been merged into the master thread for this sort of discussion.
  13. Console version question moved to the console version subforum. Good luck with your issue.
  14. Post it to Spacecraft Exchange, why don't you?
  15. Welcome to the forum. is that one of the Nazca drawings?
  16. Okay, fun & games and all, but the subject of this thread is Pacific Rim, please.
  17. Craft sharing thread moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  18. As this is talking about actual spacecraft rather than game ones, the thread has been moved to Science & Spaceflight.
  19. Welcome to our forum. By the way, we have a subforum specifically for greeting newbies, and your post has been moved there.
  20. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  21. Incidentally, there isn't an "increase" in toxicity. There are waves of bitter posts from time to time, usually in response to a major version release. Some of the earlier ones were actually a lot worse.
  22. Although meant mostly as jokes, these reviews are always spot-on.
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