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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. You saw nothing. You heard nothing. You will say nothing.
  2. @vabaseAlpha, your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing.
  3. These questions about how to play the game have been moved to Gameplay Questions. Also, welcome to the game and the forum.
  4. Guys, I said it was a single or double-seater, and dark green. And I can tell the difference between engines and weapons pylons. These were weapons pylons.
  5. I am not from Brazil, but I also like planes and rockets. And a surprising number of our forum members are from Brazil, so you will feel at home here.
  6. Okay, then sounds like a modding question, and therefore, moved to Add-on Discussions.
  7. Yeah, but the thing with that one is, you don't mind.
  8. When linking videos, please make sure that they abide by our forum's rules for things such as foul language. We've trimmed one or two links from this thread.
  9. I'm sorry, but what was it you were asking for? Whole ships? Mod parts?
  10. Got a song stuck in your head and you want to get it out? This song here will chase it out. I offer a money-back guarantee* on that. * Offer void everywhere.
  11. Thread moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the community rather than the game.
  12. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about the game itself. Better late than never.
  13. The nice thing about world-firsts is that you get them whether you're trying for them or not. Just play the game and they come to you.
  14. This question about playing the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  15. There's no way to do this in stock, so your question has been moved to the modding subforum.
  16. What was the intended purpose of this thread?
  17. Hello, individual. Also, your post has been moved to the welcoming subforum.
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